Military Fakers - Fake Snipers


Dec 1, 2012
New to the forum. Great info and lots of sage advice from you experts. Thank you. One thing I'm surprised I haven't seen is posting on military fakers. Lots of people out there will tell you they're a sniper and have a bunch of fake certificates that they ordered online that they show around. How come you guys don't have a forum dedicated to that topic?
Re: Military Fakers - Fake Snipers

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: NothingButRespect</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Lots of people out there will tell you they're a sniper and have a bunch of fake certificates that they ordered online that they show around. How come you guys don't have a forum dedicated to that topic? </div></div>Because those people are neither important nor relevant to the purpose of this site and we couldn't care less about them.
Re: Military Fakers - Fake Snipers

When we find them we turn their scrota into tobacco pouches and play tetherball with their heads.
Re: Military Fakers - Fake Snipers

They are unimportant up until they present themselves with sniper qualifications and make money off that instead of real snipers making the money.
But of course, your point about caring less about them is valid.
Re: Military Fakers - Fake Snipers

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Lowlight</div><div class="ubbcode-body">How are they making money off fake certificates from the Internet. Who hires them or pays them money and for what?</div></div>I will hire them to complete my Greek tragedy here on Sniper's Hide: I already have the KIngs, the star-crossed lovers, the warriors and the fools; what I need now is a court jester.

...Oh, wait, I think I found one in the S2 section.
Re: Military Fakers - Fake Snipers

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Lowlight</div><div class="ubbcode-body">How are they making money off fake certificates from the Internet. Who hires them or pays them money and for what? </div></div>

Oh, you'll just <span style="font-style: italic">love</span> this one:

I didn't even know that this shit existed.
Re: Military Fakers - Fake Snipers

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Veer_G</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Lowlight</div><div class="ubbcode-body">How are they making money off fake certificates from the Internet. Who hires them or pays them money and for what? </div></div>

Oh, you'll just <span style="font-style: italic">love</span> this one:

I didn't even know that this shit existed. </div></div>

Thanks, V, Im gonna be a SEAL, and only $20.00
Re: Military Fakers - Fake Snipers

Best part about forums like this is with a couple quick questions we can weed out the fakers easily enough. At least USMC side the 8541 and 0321 communities are small enough to know almost everyone with 1 or 2 degrees of separation.
Re: Military Fakers - Fake Snipers

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Veer_G</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Lowlight</div><div class="ubbcode-body">How are they making money off fake certificates from the Internet. Who hires them or pays them money and for what? </div></div>

Oh, you'll just <span style="font-style: italic">love</span> this one:

I didn't even know that this shit existed. </div></div>

They guys at the local gun shop must have this one:
Re: Military Fakers - Fake Snipers

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Veer_G</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Lowlight</div><div class="ubbcode-body">How are they making money off fake certificates from the Internet. Who hires them or pays them money and for what? </div></div>

Oh, you'll just <span style="font-style: italic">love</span> this one:

I didn't even know that this shit existed.</div></div>

Ah, most ask for a DD-214 which will list your MOS as a sniper, a certificate without the MOS doesn't make sense.

And you're also assuming that is what they look like now, but I can tell you mine doesn't, didn't look like that.
Re: Military Fakers - Fake Snipers

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Veer_G</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I didn't even know that this shit existed. </div></div>

Jesus. Seems to me, if you could get their customer list, you could rack up a shitload of stolen valor convictions.

Re: Military Fakers - Fake Snipers

You'd have to be pretty stupid to accept that, it's missing some key included data.

Not to mention not just one person signs off on it, again, a certificate without backing it up with your DD-214 gets you nowhere. Sniping is an MOS that is reflected as such in your records.

Re: Military Fakers - Fake Snipers

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 1911fan</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Veer_G</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I didn't even know that this shit existed. </div></div>

Jesus. Seems to me, if you could get their customer list, you could rack up a shitload of stolen valor convictions.


Stolen valor was overturned by the Supreme Court as a violation of freedom of speech.
Re: Military Fakers - Fake Snipers

Having seen several 1st Mar Div SS diploma's from guys in my platoon. These fakes don't look anything like the real ones. The design or graphic is totally different. But will probably fool someone with little or no knowledge about the community. I see you can even purchase a HOG's tooth. Wow pretty scandalous. No shame.
As mentioned about though, with a few questions you can always tell who is full of shit and who knows what they are talking about.
Re: Military Fakers - Fake Snipers

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: CASDB</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 1911fan</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Veer_G</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I didn't even know that this shit existed. </div></div>

Jesus. Seems to me, if you could get their customer list, you could rack up a shitload of stolen valor convictions.


Stolen valor was overturned by the Supreme Court as a violation of freedom of speech. </div></div>

Yeah. Gotta love what they're doing to this country. Those who came before us are rolling in their graves.

Duty, <span style="text-decoration: line-through">honor</span>, country?
Re: Military Fakers - Fake Snipers

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: NothingButRespect</div><div class="ubbcode-body">People fake credentials (sniper, SEAL, spec ops et al) to get jobs in security companies, contracts for security work, etc. It is a BILLION $ industry.
DD214s are faked all the time -
This guy has landed a sweet deal using the fake DD214 in the link above -</div></div>

you're guessing and haven't proved anything, most people are pretty smart when it comes to a faker and why we don't waste our time with them. They are soon discovered and drummed off the site.

In the real world if you fall for this stuff, that is mostly the fault of the company, also I doubt it is nearly widespread as you think.

These are small communities and it always come back to bite you harder than you could possibly have bit your piece of the pie.
Re: Military Fakers - Fake Snipers

Much to do about nothing.

I really don't care, it they want to be idiots its no skin off my nose. It don't take much to weed them out.

But to add, the army doesn't have a sniper MOS, nor is everything on a DD214.

Mine doesn't have sniper school, but my 201 file does.

Can't go by what a DD214 says anyway, my wife has three, and it looks like three completely different people.
Re: Military Fakers - Fake Snipers

It's changed now Kraig, not 1978 anymore there is a designation

B4 is an Army Sniper

Schools matter in today's Army it's not like Vietnam where you spent 3 days with a guy who could shoot and call it a school. You don't slap a scope on a rifle, shoot a guy and designate yourself a sniper like they did back in your day.
Re: Military Fakers - Fake Snipers

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Schools matter in today's Army it's not like Vietnam where you spent 3 days with a guy who could shoot and call it a school. You don't slap a scope on a rifle, shoot a guy and designate yourself a sniper like they did back in your day.</div></div>

You mean the ex-high power shooter, who as an MP in Vietnam got his start wacking guys setting booby traps with a service grade M14?
Re: Military Fakers - Fake Snipers

Exactly like that, which is why they now have real schools.

Think about that system and apply it to the last 10 years, by that standard, every guy in any service who shot someone with a scoped rifle can call themselves a sniper. That is a poor measure of the skillset. It's why people have the MOS today and there are Associations to vet parties.

Certain people clearly moved beyond the borrowed hunting rifles from Special Services, and those few we're recognized. But applying the same standard to today, to the last 10 years of war and certainly the designation would be meaningless.

We've recognized there is more to sniping then just shooting. It's why the schools are now better than 8 weeks long, heck mine class was 12 weeks. I also cross trained and attended the Army 2ID school at Camp Casey in Korea but it didn't count. That school was only 3 weeks long and they let our unit attend 2 weeks of it. So clearly while I was there as allowed, it don't count for shit. It was nothing more than a vacation from Pohang and camp mudchuk.

So yes, it's why vetting guys from back then was so hard, who's to say what you did then, anyone could claim anything they like. So today we have designations and schools that matter, and not fly by night unit gatherings.

There is a difference, whether you like it or want to acknowledge it. Apply that standard today and think about it.
Re: Military Fakers - Fake Snipers

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">You mean the ex-high power shooter, who as an MP in Vietnam got his start wacking guys setting booby traps with a service grade M14?</div></div>

Frank, do you have any ideal who I was talking about in that quote??????
Re: Military Fakers - Fake Snipers

Of course I do, but he wasn't using a 14, his spotter did.

In fact he gave me my school certificate and signed it.

You also realize he didn't stop there he went on to set the school and teach, hence the difference. It was more than bang, bang, fame.
Re: Military Fakers - Fake Snipers

The fakers are not causing a breakdown of the system, they are the product of the decrepitude that already exists.

There's something wrong with a system in which every SEAL gets to write a book and be a media star, every sniper who drops a few guys gets to write a bestseller about how tough it was to meet the guy he shot, and every general aspires to be popular enough to hang around with his personal autobiographer and other female socialites.

There are plenty of people out there who obey rule number one and keep their mouth firmly shut. Because at its essence it's service to country, not personal resume building.... That is, unless and until the established military becomes the de facto Tier two and the goal is to finally get the autonomy inherent in contract work.
Re: Military Fakers - Fake Snipers

No, that was in '64 when he was an MP, it was later that he was given a sniper position.

I have nothing against schools, but its not the do all - end all.

A prefect example, Air Assualt; 100's of thousands of guys were doing air assualt and doing then sucessfully before they they had air assualt schools.

Now a guy could come back from spending a year doing airassualt operations in combat, but isn't qualified because he didn't go to school.

That's horse crap.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Schools matter in today's Army it's not like Vietnam where you spent 3 days with a guy who could shoot and call it a school.</div></div>

Adelbert Waldron went to one of those schools, 9th ID Sniper School put on by the AMU. I think it was 18 days to be exact.

Of course no one hears about Waldron, he was Army - not Marine.

Don't count out the AMU and their method of instruction.
Re: Military Fakers - Fake Snipers

In 2012, schools are the end all... period. Without the school, you can play one here or there, but like 1000s of good soldiers, sailors and Marines it doesn't mean anything different than a guy doing his job to the best of his ability. I am sure every unit will point you towards that guy that stood out. Literally 1000s of people. Without the paper, the MOS, it doesn't count.

When it doesn't count you get people who want to embellish on their achievements because they feel it should count. Starts you down a bad path, and once the school trained people find out, you're toast.

You could have been the best soldier in your unit, lie about it, saying you "were" a sniper when you weren't, get caught and you're done, forever a shit bird. Those are the simple facts of the matter.

you'd be far safer saying, "I was never a sniper, but brought a scope from home and shot a 100 guys in Iraq with it" then telling someone in the know you were sniper and not having the school to back it up. It's that simple.

It's like saying I was <span style="font-weight: bold">with the SEALs</span> because they slept on the same ship as me. I mean we ate together, trained together, sailed around the Gulf together, watched tv together... so why can't I say that I was with the SEALs to someone ?
Re: Military Fakers - Fake Snipers

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: kraigWY</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Can't go by what a DD214 says anyway, my wife has three, and it looks like three completely different people. </div></div>
Mine was the same way, a 214 may not show everything, nor will some 201's depending the C/O or first shirt. However, if you file a DD215 with Unit, A/O, an such, you can pick up some/all AAR's TDY's an most other things left off your run of the mill 214. Depending name some stuff was lost forever in the fire. That said, there are other places of truth for some things, but it takes your Congress-person to open that door for you.
A packed 214 is but window dressing some use, as a scare coat.
Re: Military Fakers - Fake Snipers

Oh I'm not worried about, I have my deploma, class roster, and class photo, plus my 201 file listing all the schools.

At my age, I could put all that documentation with $1.50 and get a cup of coffee any where in town.

I just keep it with all my other military junk.

Of which, something I'm most proud of is when I left as HHC 207th Inf Grp, the peons got together and stole the unit guidon and presented it to me.

I care more about how my enlisted troops felt about me then all the schools combined.
Re: Military Fakers - Fake Snipers

"Poser Busting",
Per above, most people who have been there and done that, don't run their mouths about it, "Quiet Professionals" was the motto. That used to hold true, but there are obviously some people now days who are publicly cashing in on their military experience for a number of reasons. As such now days, you just never know. I have seen plenty of “Poser Hunters” wasting a lot of time and resources to ultimately get no where, so unless it comes down to money changing hands, appointment to a position, or something very serious and formal, then you are probably better off to spend your time and efforts elsewhere. I wish some of the guys, who spend hundreds of hours "hunting posers", would make a positive effort that really impacts veterans. What really matters, you spent 8 hours doing research so you can bust the guy at work who runs his mouth at lunch about being a legendary sniper, or you spend that 8 hours helping out some vets by doing some form of charitable work with them? Most posers who run their mouths long enough will ultimately cross patch with someone who can and will call them out.

“Sniper Title, Qualification, or Whatever You Call It”
Sorry but I have to disagree with the argument that ONLY School Trained, MOS Carrying, DD214 Documented, military members are “Snipers”. I would make those arguments based on (as it relates the Army, sorry I am not 100% up on the USMC, USAF, USN sides, but I am sure there are similar arguments):

Timeline – the Army Sniper School at Ft Benning was not up until 1987, so are you going to tell anyone who served as a “Sniper” prior to then, sorry you are just a “wanna be”? Needless to say, there are plenty of trained, equipped, and acting “Snipers” with confirmed kills in combat way prior to that date.

MOS – the only members in the Army who can hold a B4 ASI (not an MOS) are someone in the 11 and 18 career fields. There are actually a number of members outside of those career fields (MP, Cav Scout, etc) who have attended school and/or served as “Snipers”, but they have not necessarily received the B4 qualifier.

Schools / Training – prior to, and even after the school opening in 1987, there were a number of “Sniper Schools” conducted at the local level (Division or Unit) which accomplished the same objectives as the formal school program. Individuals satisfactorily completing these schools were as capable as any other “Sniper”.

DD214 Documentation – anyone who has served in the Military knows a DD214 may or may not be worth the paper that it is printed on. For various reasons (clerical error, lost records, poor management, etc) it is very common for a veteran's DD214 to be missing information. Personally, about 1/3 of my schools, training, or qualifications are missing from my DD214.

In addition to all of that, you can also throw out the argument, who is more of a “Sniper”:
Individual A – attends a formal sniper school, gets the appropriate MOS or ASI, spends 2-3 years after school training with his unit, but never deploys, never fires a shot at the enemy, and never has a confirmed kill.
Individual B – gets his sniper training at the local level, never gets a formal MOS or ASI, spends the next 2-3 years after school on multiple deployments where they are equipped and acting as a sniper and actually end up with a confirmed kill.

I know plenty of individuals who meet the criteria for both A and B, and the Bs are just as much if not more of a “Sniper” than the As in my book though they have no official documentation, qualifier, or title.

It would be great if there was a real simple, clean, easy, and definitive way to identify a “Military Sniper”, but IMHO that is not the case.

Best of Luck,
M Richardson
Re: Military Fakers - Fake Snipers

Frank how does somebody like Jack Coughlin fit into those definitions? It is my understanding that he is not a school trained SS. He does however have a lot more experience and confirmed kills in that role than most school trained SS's if what I have read can be trusted. His MOS won't say 8541 but he has over 60 confirmed kills as a sniper and operated in that role. Just curious because somebody like him does not fit the piece of paper criteria.
Re: Military Fakers - Fake Snipers

Being thrust into Combat and excelling at killing people is really the job of every Soldier / Marine, etc...

As I noted a few were recognized, mainly because they went beyond, simply killing people on a battlefield, there is nothing wrong with that.

Hathcock had Land, who was promoting the skillset of the sniper as an MOS. They wanted Hathcock to do well so the program could be standardized and moved forward.

Each war, Vietnam and prior they handed select fighters scoped rifles, they did their job and the program was shut down. This opened the door to Fakes because there was no way to control who said or did what... you just couldn't really confirm unless others stepped up and basically crowned you "sniper"... Great, what do you do with the 1000s of Fakes who said they did the same thing, take their word for it and move on ?

Hathcock continued to work towards this goal after the war, and Land promoted the process so finally the USMC Schools were set up.

You guys are determined to go back 40+ years to find exceptions to what I am saying... and clearly there is exceptions to the rule. But at the same time, how many FAKES from the same era exist ? A lot more than now, and why is that, because there are systems in place to prevent it.

As far as Modern DD-214 "missing key training" Bullshit !

If you were in the 80s like me and spend 12 weeks at school and it was "forgotten" from your records, I am calling bullshit. Sure they may not have included a 3 day class, or 1 week course, but trust me your records reflect your training. This is the same in my eyes to guys saying their Black Ops Files were lost in the great Fire... It was your job to walk into the unit offices when you finished and have the clerk add your school, if it was indeed a "School" as courses and schools are different. I did a few short courses, like the Forward Observer Course and it's not in there, but honestly who cares, I never bothered to have it added, it was only 3 days or something at Camp Hansen... But I have copies of my SRB and it is in there... you can get that stuff.

Sniping is an MOS, in fact in the USMC Is a primary MOS now and if your MOS is not on record, you didn't do it.

If you want to sail back in time 40+ years and find some guy nobody heard about who now says he was a sniper, its up to you to believe him or not... These guys are not out STEALING work or promoting themselves in a business capacity. They are retiring from their jobs.

Sniping as skill set is more than shooting, in fact a lot more... which is why so many candidates fail the course... 1000s of guys excel in combat and probably have a nice body count, does that mean they are snipers after all Simo didn't even use a scope ... he just shot hordes of Russians wholesale, if Private Jones was at a fire base being overrun I am sure he can claim 100s of kills too. reducing it to shots fired is a weak argument.
Re: Military Fakers - Fake Snipers

That was a lot more answer than the basic question I was asking and I am not agreeing one way or the other I am simply asking how this guy fits in the equation. This is soley based on your point that paper "is everything" from previously.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Lowlight</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Being thrust into Combat and excelling at killing people is really the job of every Soldier / Marine, etc...

I agree but this Coughlin is a modern example not thrust into combat like a Finn or Russian in WWII and he did not just excel at killing. He was used as a sniper and deployed with an M40. Of course I am going by his book that I read several years ago but he was obviously in the role of a Marine sniper and not picking up a rifle and getting some kills as he was thrust into combat. So again how does he fit in the equation? He doesn't have the piece of paper but with his record he no doubt could get jobs teaching or operating as an experienced sniper. He never had the MOS...probably was an infantry member of an STA platoon....but he definitely did it. And Frank, I know he is definitely not the norm and that's why I was curious how you would label him. I personally have no opinion one way or the other just curious as stated before.
Re: Military Fakers - Fake Snipers

You need to re-read the book,

According to his Bio he went to Sniper School...

As well STA platoons in the 80s, had 2 sections, the snipers and ground radar / surveillance people. Often the surveillance guys would augment the snipers, so if one carried the M40 can they claim they were snipers.

Same platoon, often training alongside, may have even carried and used an M40...

How do they fit... can they join the Scout Sniper Association, it's a yes or no question... if the SS/A turns you do because your OJT isn't enough do you tell them they are wrong ?

Lots of guys get OJT in the military especially in combat, they stick bodies in slots to fill vacancies.
Re: Military Fakers - Fake Snipers

Ahh ...thanks for that Frank. I was under the impression from either the book or maybe some thread here that there was no record of him attending either of the SS schools. If he did attend I really have no question.
Carry on.

Here is where I think I read it back when I searched his name after reading the book:
from a post near the bottom of page 2.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: rogers0311</div><div class="ubbcode-body">As far as we know, he is NOT a school trained Marine sniper. The fact that most people are surprised to hear that I think says alot. He MAY have gone to a pre sniper course, but this is not an MOS awarding school. He has been called out in the past but he dodges questions.

In his Iraq deployment he was a company gunny. Why was a company gunny running around Iraq with a bolt gun and not doing his job as a company gunny.

We are supposed to be a community that prides itself on quiet professionalism. Reading a book by a guy that in love with himself sends a horrible message, not to mention his book and quotes in there were straight up corny.

I dont doubt that he killed alot of dudes in Iraq. Big deal, there are a ton of Marine snipers running around with alot more kills then him,and yet you do not see themselves self promoting like he does. Especially when he does not have the MOS. Why would he be running around in Iraq with a sniper rifle instead of doing his actual job, and allowing the sniper platoon to do theirs? Dude needs to get over himself. Its just the fact that I believe it goes against our ideals as quiet professionals. Make sense? </div></div>
Re: Military Fakers - Fake Snipers

I don't know the first thing about him, according to what I read he went to SS...

However look at the comments you link.... note what I said earlier to what you quoted about kills and not being who you say you are... apparently I am not the only one who feels this way that there are a lot of guys who rack up a body count, doesn't make you something you're not.

Sounds harsh, but go through the school and pass and then see if you tune changes when someone who hasn't claims to have the same status...

Based on the comments here, a guy can go to Sniper School, "FAIL" and then go to Afghanistan, bring a scope, kill 25 guys with it and his OJT trumps his failing the school. Sounds like you can never enforce a standard, nor can you ever question a persons claims, the exceptions as stated render the standard void.
Re: Military Fakers - Fake Snipers

The certificates look nicer than the ones I received. My 201 files from the Army are missing stuff. I spent three weeks doing Dragon gunner school (C2- ASI) and that's no where to be found. I don't really care as nobody fakes being able to shoot a wired guided missile that the Army doesn't use anymore. Just saying the records being kept by company clerks weren't that great.
Re: Military Fakers - Fake Snipers

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Lowlight</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
Sounds harsh, but go through the school and pass and then see if you tune changes when someone who hasn't claims to have the same status...

See if my tune changes? Again I stated several times I was just curious and had no opinion. I would lean heavily towards needing the paper I expect.
Re: Military Fakers - Fake Snipers

<span style="color: #3366FF">First and foremost, I am not trying start a pissing contest or call anyone out, I am simply trying to share the way that I have personally experienced things during my time in service and afterwards.</span>

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Lowlight</div><div class="ubbcode-body">


You guys are determined to go back 40+ years to find exceptions to what I am saying... and clearly there is exceptions to the rule.

<span style="color: #3366FF">Actually I can go back to my period of service in the 80s and 90s and find exceptions. Per above, the current Army Sniper School is only 25 years old. Even as of today, there are multiple Army MOSs (Cav Scout perfect example) that can attend Sniper School, be assigned as a Sniper in their Unit, deploy as a Sniper, and have a confirmed kill in combat, and still not get a B4 Sniper identifier. No doubt the further back you go, the harder it gets to confirm credentials, but just going back 5-10 years, it is impossible in my book to say 100% if someone is or is not a “Military Sniper” based on any one single criterion. </span>

As far as Modern DD-214 "missing key training" Bullshit!

<span style="color: #3366FF">Per your comments, what ends up on your DD214 is largely based on the extent of the school/training and how "key" the military considered it to be. Per your comments, it also comes down to how you managed the process. When I went for my discharge, I checked my DD214, all of the “major” schools/training as far as the military was concerned were there (Basic, AIT, Airborne, etc). However there were at least 6 schools/training that were missing from it probably because they were not critical to my MOS / Duties. One of those was a Division Sniper School. I could have pitched a bitch and probably gotten them added but at that point as long as it had “Honorable” under the discharge conditions it was all that I cared about. If anyone asked, I had documentation for the schools/training that was missing from the DD214, so I could just use that for proof.

Up until the 90s, Military records were still being largely managed on paper, and that meant a lot of mistakes, errors, and omissions depending on how critical the material was. Has that changed today, I am sure that it has, where everything can be managed on a computer and network. But along those lines, anyone with a computer and some minor editing skills can produce a copy of DD214 with anything that they want on it. Doubt they will try to use the fake for “official business”, but I am sure they could use it to refute a credibility challenge. They could also backup their DD214 with all of their certificates to include Sniper, SOTIC, and Delta Force, just see the link posted earlier! </span>

Sniping is an MOS, in fact in the USMC Is a primary MOS now and if your MOS is not on record, you didn't do it.

<span style="color: #3366FF">Great for those who served in the USMC, but unless I am wrong (someone correct me if I am because it wouldn’t be the first time), no other branch of the Military has Sniping listed/classified as an MOS. See my comments below on some of the other branches.</span>

Sniping as skill set is more than shooting, in fact a lot more... which is why so many candidates fail the course... 1000s of guys excel in combat and probably have a nice body count, does that mean they are snipers after all Simo didn't even use a scope ... he just shot hordes of Russians wholesale, if Private Jones was at a fire base being overrun I am sure he can claim 100s of kills too. reducing it to shots fired is a weak argument.

<span style="color: #3366FF">Problem here, how do you define “Military Sniper”?

Is it based solely on; completing a school/training, receiving a certain rating (MOS, ASI, etc), having served in that capacity, having served in that capacity in combat, having actually achieved a confirmed kill?

Obviously different strokes for different folks!

US Army – Military Police
They can attend the Sniper School at Ft Benning or the MP SRT Marksman-Observer School at Ft Leonard Wood. They can perform both LE or Military Sniper duties. Even if they attend the Benning School, they will still have a 31B - Military Police MOS, and they will NOT get the B4 Sniper ASI.

USAF – Security Forces
They can graduate from CPEC (Close Precision Engagement Course) and the USAF still considers them to have an AFSC of 3P0X1 – Security Forces, they don’t have a “USAF Sniper AFSC”.

Some of the best “Aerial Snipers” out there, they have a NEC of 9545 - Navy Law Enforcement Specialist, they don’t have a “USCG Sniper NEC”.

Would the individuals above call themselves a “Military Sniper”, I would bet they would, and many others would support that claim.

Another case in point, the Army Sniper Assoc does not restrict membership to only those individuals who carry a B4 ASI. As I understand it, they base it on the documentation/justification that you provide, and if it shows the training, skill set, and job performance, of a “Sniper”, then you are good to go.</span>

<span style="color: #3366FF">I am throwing this all out, because IMHO, there is not one simple easy way to verify if someone is a "Military Sniper". Biggest reason of all, you first have to define "Military Sniper", and per above that is not really that easy or straightforward.

Food for thought, Thanks,
M Richardson</span>
Re: Military Fakers - Fake Snipers

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Lowlight</div><div class="ubbcode-body">This is the same in my eyes to guys saying their Black Ops Files were lost in the great Fire </div></div>
<span style="font-weight: bold">Nothing, Black</span>, was lost in the fire.

Dup's of everything, worthy of black lines to most eyes, has always had backup to the backup,... always has, always will.
Re: Military Fakers - Fake Snipers

I watched all 3 "Sniper" movies, "Shooter", "Acts of Valor", "Tears of the Sun", "SEALs", "SEAL Team 6", "Red Dawn" (new & old), "Lord of the Rings" trilogy, and countless other "Training" videos. Combine that with the countless hours in online forums and video games I can provide plenty of certified evidence that I'm an authentic Armchair Sniper. How dare anyone compare themselves to the countless hours of diligence and trolling I put in to achieve that certification!
Re: Military Fakers - Fake Snipers

Let me start by saying yes I'm a marine no I was not a SS but I've worked with and have known a lot of them. Enough to know about and talk intelligently about the group. But if I were to claim it someone who was a part of SS would pick me out in a heartbeat. That's the beauty of it there are so many intricacies to groups like that as there were in my group of SIGINT. And one thing I've learned over the years is a woman scorned is almost but not quite as bad as a military man scorned.

You guys would make anyone trying to imitate into a bug! and we all know what happens to bugs!

And I would claim OJT but that doesn't count so therefor I don't claim it... simple as that!
Re: Military Fakers - Fake Snipers

Some of you are thick as a brick...

The school houses keep records, they know who finished the course and who never went... why guys will ask what your class number is, if your MOS bothered to send you to "school" there is a record that can be vetted, plain and simple. There is no gray area here.

Both the Army and USMC have Sniper Associations that can check those records, the simple answer is, "apply for acceptance to either association" without having graduated the school and see what happens. Doesn't get easier than that.

Because of these phantom errors that strike these high profile schools we have groups like SEALs who will vet people who claim to be graduates of BUDs, same difference, generally speaking the group protects their own.

You can try to dance around asking about scenario A, B, or C, but bottom line the military has a record, you either did or did not, and if you graduated sniper school in any branch of service there is a record.

Claiming OJT because in some MP unit a guy got a hold of an M14 with a scope on it doesn't make you sniper... at best you can consider yourself a Designated Marksman for the unit.

The Associations have a system in place and it's pretty cut and dry. If your company clerk misplaced your record, if you went to "school" and it's not in there for someone to confirm, you might as well have failed out because it doesn't count. Can't confirm, you'll always be on the outside looking in.
Re: Military Fakers - Fake Snipers

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Lowlight</div><div class="ubbcode-body">It's changed now Kraig, not 1978 anymore there is a designation

B4 is an Army Sniper

Lets not forget W3
Re: Military Fakers - Fake Snipers

man i know some of these guys i got a guy here at home claims he doesn't have his dd214 but when he gets it it will show he was in basic for 5 years cause he is that black op hahahahaha. I got mad respect for you guys that do this for real. i got a re3 discharge from the marine corp basic training and i dont claim to be a marine. but every one that comes in the shop who was in the navy is a ex seal and the army guys are all green berets. i just smile and nod hahahahah as you all said they dont matter
Re: Military Fakers - Fake Snipers

My DD 214 doesn't have Sniper School, Nor does it have Jump Master School, nor does it have OCS, nor IBOC.

I guess that means I didn't attend any of those courses.

OH well, The ASA vetted me and gave me a membership, I was jump master on a hell of a lot of jumps. And the Army pays me as a retired Cpt/O3.

I guess they didn't get the word on DD214s.

Except for the latter, the pay part, I don't care what anyone thinks.

Call me a poser if you must, no skin off my nose.
Re: Military Fakers - Fake Snipers

But your records have it Kraig, there is a valid entry pointing to your attendance, it is not something where someone has to "take your word for it"

For me, I have a copy of my SRB, it has much more details than my DD214 so there is no "taking my word for it" there is a valid paper trail... not just a printed certificate that has nothing to back it up. My DD214 lists a CAR and not the actual operation, but the SRB lists the operations.

That is the point, cherry picking an example is a cop out, you know there are records, you know there are ways these are vetted, and without the records you would not have been vetted, you know this...

And by ASA do you mean the Army Association or the American Sniper Assoc ? there is a difference ...