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Hunting & Fishing Mine Shaft Mountain Lion Hunt

Re: Mine Shaft Mountain Lion Hunt

Man, I am as pro hunting as they come, but I am not comfortable with that. Hunting big cats has always bugged me for some reason. I will always fight for their right to keep hunting, as long as the population is fit for it, but I personally would refrain.

I dont know if it is the dogs, or what, but it just seems a bit off.

Those guys me be great at tracking, but at the range at which that cat was finally dispatched, I would think it should have been quicker. They fired a total of at least 5 shots within 20 feet, and it is still alive?

Those guys are ballsy going into the cave, and I am sure they are good guys, but a little training with their side arms may be in order.

Flame away.
Re: Mine Shaft Mountain Lion Hunt

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ath23</div><div class="ubbcode-body">yeah looked pretty ballsy but should have used a bigger gun and taken the cat out ethically. shooting it over and over is just wrong. </div></div>

+1 anything worth killing is worth killing humanely/quickly.
Re: Mine Shaft Mountain Lion Hunt

had something kinda like this in n ca in the lava tubes with a small black bear went in to get my dog bear saw me ran passed me and bang the guy i was with shot it. i said why it only 100Lbs we could of done better. he said it was coming for him. that little bear was on his way out and he was standing in the exit. where else was he going to go. to this day we give that guy shit about shoot booboo
Re: Mine Shaft Mountain Lion Hunt

i don't like hunting them with dogs either but how else are you going to effectively control their numbers? And don't say calling them with bait sounds.

Too each his own, especially if it is legal. I however just wouldn't feel right.
Re: Mine Shaft Mountain Lion Hunt

I could not agree more... If your going to chase it down fine.... Corner it fine.... But kill it quickly and in a humane fashion.

I guess the problem I have is not with the first shot but the 5 or 6 more... I guess it was hurt bad at that point so you had to finish it.
Re: Mine Shaft Mountain Lion Hunt

I'm a houndsmen myself and all the guys I know use .22 mag pistols. 1 shot in the chest will kill them before they hit the ground. In fact, in my experience a big boar coon can take more hits than a big tom can. But usually the critter is up in the tree and the shooter is safely on the ground...in this case the shooter is face to face with the cat...I don't know, I usually don't miss, but I've never been that close them either. That kind of tension may test my steady hand.
Re: Mine Shaft Mountain Lion Hunt

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: coldboremiracle</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ath23</div><div class="ubbcode-body">yeah looked pretty ballsy but should have used a bigger gun and taken the cat out ethically. shooting it over and over is just wrong. </div></div>

+1 anything worth killing is worth killing humanely/quickly. </div></div>
Except for terrorists, mother F******s can suffer!
Re: Mine Shaft Mountain Lion Hunt

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Big_Thunder</div><div class="ubbcode-body">had something kinda like this in n ca in the lava tubes with a small black bear went in to get my dog bear saw me ran passed me and bang the guy i was with shot it. i said why it only 100Lbs we could of done better. he said it was coming for him. that little bear was on his way out and he was standing in the exit. where else was he going to go. to this day we give that guy shit about shoot booboo </div></div>

These things happen.
Re: Mine Shaft Mountain Lion Hunt

More times than not the term "Kill it humanly" comes from those who have not had a shit load of crazy situations when it comes to hunting big game. A predator and or any big game animal is no different than all of us when it comes to taking a hit. I can smack one guy in the nose and down he goes, done deal. The next guy may just give me a shitty grin after the punch and proceed to stomp my ass into the ground. I have dropped mature Mule deer at 300 yards with a .223 in one shot and had a young Muley take two 260gr Nosler Ballistic Tip from a ,375 Ultra @ under 150 yards before he went down and it took my hunting knife to seal the deal. IT HAPPENS! Be prepared for it or don't hunt, SIMPLE...... I would have done what these guys did but there had better be a set of paddles to restart my shit after that cat went blasting by me..
Re: Mine Shaft Mountain Lion Hunt

things can get a little western if your in the wood enough. So we do the best we can. I shot a black bear 5 times with a marlin 44mag lever gun at 25 feet in a tree right behind the shoulder and he did not even flinch at each shot i put the 6th one in his neck done deal skinned him out all five shots with in 2" of each other and my buddy said i was missing. critters are tough and if you dont think they are not you better just stay home.
Re: Mine Shaft Mountain Lion Hunt

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: zenitram nai</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I'm a houndsmen myself and all the guys I know use .22 mag pistols. 1 shot in the chest will kill them before they hit the ground. In fact, in my experience a big boar coon can take more hits than a big tom can. But usually the critter is up in the tree and the shooter is safely on the ground...in this case the shooter is face to face with the cat...I don't know, I usually don't miss, but I've never been that close them either. That kind of tension may test my steady hand. </div></div>

That's the truth man, when I went to the 22 mg from a 357 or 44 mag things tamed down a lot. The big guns just don't open up on a thin cat and then they spaz out and you have to through it on auto fire. Cat's die HARD if they get worked up!!!
The last cat I killed with a 44mag took six hits in the chest and I ended up holding a dog tail in one hand and pistol whipping the lion with the other, that took a few minutes to calm everything down! After that 22 mag and even a few with just a standard 22, they just fall out of the tree dead, no drama.
If you haven't followed good dogs in the mountains after lions you don't know what hard hunting is and you haven't seen how a predator moves through the mountains and what they do. Following lions takes you places where no one would go or find and you push your self harder than any other kind of hunting. There is no sound like hounds in the cold mountains, NOTHING !!!
Re: Mine Shaft Mountain Lion Hunt

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: bigngreen</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: zenitram nai</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I'm a houndsmen myself and all the guys I know use .22 mag pistols. 1 shot in the chest will kill them before they hit the ground. In fact, in my experience a big boar coon can take more hits than a big tom can. But usually the critter is up in the tree and the shooter is safely on the ground...in this case the shooter is face to face with the cat...I don't know, I usually don't miss, but I've never been that close them either. That kind of tension may test my steady hand. </div></div>

That's the truth man, when I went to the 22 mg from a 357 or 44 mag things tamed down a lot. The big guns just don't open up on a thin cat and then they spaz out and you have to through it on auto fire. Cat's die HARD if they get worked up!!!
The last cat I killed with a 44mag took six hits in the chest and I ended up holding a dog tail in one hand and pistol whipping the lion with the other, that took a few minutes to calm everything down! After that 22 mag and even a few with just a standard 22, they just fall out of the tree dead, no drama.
If you haven't followed good dogs in the mountains after lions you don't know what hard hunting is and you haven't seen how a predator moves through the mountains and what they do. Following lions takes you places where no one would go or find and you push your self harder than any other kind of hunting. There is no sound like hounds in the cold mountains, NOTHING !!!
</div></div> Amen brother! This is a tough crowd on the Mtn Lion hunts. Many claim this and that...but until you're there and follow the hounds....they have not a clue!
Re: Mine Shaft Mountain Lion Hunt

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: hydro556</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Man, I am as pro hunting as they come, but I am not comfortable with that. Hunting big cats has always bugged me for some reason. I will always fight for their right to keep hunting, as long as the population is fit for it, but I personally would refrain.


I am with Hyrdo. To each his own. I am very pro hunting but hunting big cats just bothers me. They are very majestic animals. I can understand if they came into the city and you had to control it, but that was on their turf.

I got my flame suit on, but having dogs corner an animal and shooting at it less than 10yards away multiple times is not a sport.

Flame away.
Re: Mine Shaft Mountain Lion Hunt

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: alpha6164</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: hydro556</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Man, I am as pro hunting as they come, but I am not comfortable with that. Hunting big cats has always bugged me for some reason. I will always fight for their right to keep hunting, as long as the population is fit for it, but I personally would refrain.


I am with Hyrdo. To each his own. I am very pro hunting but hunting big cats just bothers me. They are very majestic animals. I can understand if they came into the city and you had to control it, but that was on their turf.

I got my flame suit on, but having dogs corner an animal and shooting at it less than 10yards away multiple times is not a sport.

Flame away. </div></div>

+100, well said
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