Re: Mini 30 reconstruction
Well...contrary to some of the opinons expressed here, I wouldn't plan to do anything major to your rifle. Any money spent on it would probably be better spent on something an AR possibly, or a Marlin bolt action, but don't do anything to it until you shoot it.
Find some inexpensive 125gr softpoint ammo and test fire it at 100 yds. Factory 125gr soft point is fine for deer out to 200 yards...maybe out to 250. Basically what you have there is a semi auto will be fine for deer as far as you can accurately place your shots on the target...that will be your limit.
The Williams sight is an upgrade to the original folding rear sight, but the original sight worked fine for what it was. The receiver is cut for Ruger style scope rings, so you can mount any scope you want once you get the right rings.
Your plastic stock might be ok. These rifles don't really benefit that much from a good stock, but the original walnut stock is better...the wood was decent and those can be bedded, you can look for an original takeoff stock.
If the rifle shoots 3 shots into 2-3"...even 4" at 100 yards, that's good enough...that's minute of deer. Many lever actions won't do that. Three round groups are the only way to test this rifle, the barrel is too thin for longer shot strings.
Just shoot three round groups. Three shots will tell you how the rifle shoots and only the first two count for hunting.
I have seen them shoot 1 1/2" with ammo they like. I worked on one that shot 3 rounds of Yugoslavian surplus into 3/4" at 100 yards with the irons, but only that particular ammo had the mojo...must have had some magic commie powder in them.
A receiver sight is a lot more accurate than a cheap red dot, unless you mortgage the farm and buy an acog, but if you can use a receiver sight, you are good to go hunting...shoot it first and see.