Re: MOA Guru's - Simple Question with Sample Problem
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: HillbillyfromAL</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> Gave the rifle back and he hit paper about 3 times with 60rds. We were in Kuwait at the time and needless to say he got a SAW before we got into Iraq. </div></div>
Things must have changed somewhat from my day. The ammo bearer was the worst shot, the gunner however could normally out shoot all but the very best in the company. Your machine gunner has to understand when to use point fire, as well as raking. If he can't do point fire your screwed in an A/O that is full of building, caves or bunkers. Dispersion can be a saving grace, and was built into some machine guns to over come point shooting. As tactics changed, the need for point shooting with beltfeds became crystal clear.
A bad shot with a semi and slow on the up take on a Machine gun, will get an element over run and that is fact. Those that are not trained on the weapon, are a major drag on the squad, company and larger. All they do is, slow down movement, eat up ammo, an make noise. Read your history about all the guys in WW I, II, Korea, V/N, and later that stood their ground, and eat up the enemy with one lone beltfed. All to a man were good to excellent shots prior to.