Moa loss with change of scope rings?


Oct 4, 2020
I was running a cz457 with area 419 20 moa scope base and a set of warren medium rings. I have since bought a bergara B14r, topped it with an anarchy outdoors 20 moa scope base and the same product line of warren rings but I ended up using the low version. On zeroing of my new rig I had to at 8 moss to my zero and was wondering if anyone had a reason why? Should I go with a 30 or 40 moa base to get it to go back down?
With 20 MOA base and zero MOA rings, the scope(s) are still mounted at 20 MOA. The difference is height over bore, but you'd still have to measure that to see how much of a difference there is between the two actions. I don't have any experience with either of the rifles you're comparing, but from pictures I've seen on the web, the B14R (I think) has a more "robust" (Rem 700 style) action than the CZ? 20 MOA is 20 MOA, either way. If you have a lot of vertical travel below your zero, you could use a base with more MOA, that way you would have more useable vertical adjustment, that would let you dial out farther.
You changed everything but the scope. It could be one thing and it could be all combined. Could be the way the barrels are timed on the actions. Could be the bases not being really 20 moa. Is what it is so just get a base with more moa if you need moa.
You have an entirely different gun and scope bases...did you not expect any change to your zero? Optic height over bore changed, that is the biggest difference. The 419 and Anarchy Outdoor scope bases are different heights, as are the rings you are using. Do you dial your elevation changes? If you don't dial your elevation changes, it doesn't matter.
Area 419 does not make a 20 MOA base for the CZ457 (choices are 15 MOA, 30 MOA or 50 MOA) so it sounds like you went from a 30 MOA base to a 20 MOA base which could explain the difference.