Good luck, very illusive animal unless hungry. The pack(s) around here is out of natural food source like many areas and wolves are edging into the perimeter of towns now looking for pets. I am not a wolf hater, they do benefit wild game management but have to be controlled, unlike what is going on now in most states. For the time, kill em and lots of them. One of our prime hunting grounds, the wolves have slaughter bou and bullwinkles and even small game. The days, not that long ago where animals and their sign was seen on a regular basis, not much now to include rodents. Local AFG trooper said, he would over look a few things if we culled the area.
I know where a few packs are and hunting them, at times they can come right to shooting or stay home or at least out of view.
22-250 Rem is enough gun. Others use 220 Swift and 223, and even the 204. I used my 340Wby too just because I can....bears in the area too.
And you are welcome Montana for the wolves, I think we sent down a bunch in 95 or so.