Hunting & Fishing Montana wolf hunt info.



Any of you guys been wolf hunting in montana. In the last year ive gotten pretty into coyote hunting. And i think i would like to take a crack at a big dog. Tags go on sale next month. And im researching guides etc. what caliber would you use. Ive been using a .308 with 110grain-125 grain bullets. But i don't know if i would need to gun up. ive never hunted montana. And im sure its rough in december. Any info would help
From what I Can find out it is a very low success thing. Look at tags sold and kill #s.
If PGS will post on this, you will have the best source you can get.
They are all over the state, they range far and wide. My cousin lives in western MT near St Regis. Between the wolves and the mtn lions their deer and elk really take a beating.
He actively hunted this past year during the wolf season and didn't get a shot. Yet...during bow season if you blow a cow call or especially on of the "calf in distress" calls....occasionally a wolf would show up.

They are VERY smart.

I would look for someone who hunts them near Yellowstone Park. They are thick down there. And a lot more OPEN country. My cousin is in 98% heavy timber. Few parks or open areas.

I've seen carcasses killed by the FWS and State trappers....I have owned Malamutes and Siberian Huskies for 35 years. Mal's can be BIG....I've seen WOLVES that were 2X larger . They can be huge.

The "Wolf Issue" is a big deal out here. Few in the middle. WHY they ever spent the hundreds of millions to reintroduce them still amazes me.

FN in MT
Yeah i don't get the whole reintroduction thing at all. Thats why i want to go this year because its such a contraversial issue you may not get the chance next year. Ive read quite a bit on predator's and predator hunting. And how much wolves really affect the food chain. Ok so i will look for someone close to yellowstone. Thanks
We live just South of the Montana Border and hunt a lot of land close to the state line. I gotta say I think chance of success is going to very low. We regularly hunt elk in wolf country close to the Montana line West of Yellowstone and in the last 5 years I can only say I have seen three wolves and could have only got a shot once. We see a lot of sign but not many wolves.
I hunt around the Philipsburg Mt area. There are wolfs in this area and I have seen tracks during Elk season but I have not seen a wolf. I also go coyote calling , mostly to just get out, and have never called in a wolf. So there are wolfs but it is not easy to get one , but try it , you will see a lot of nice country.
Good luck, very illusive animal unless hungry. The pack(s) around here is out of natural food source like many areas and wolves are edging into the perimeter of towns now looking for pets. I am not a wolf hater, they do benefit wild game management but have to be controlled, unlike what is going on now in most states. For the time, kill em and lots of them. One of our prime hunting grounds, the wolves have slaughter bou and bullwinkles and even small game. The days, not that long ago where animals and their sign was seen on a regular basis, not much now to include rodents. Local AFG trooper said, he would over look a few things if we culled the area.

I know where a few packs are and hunting them, at times they can come right to shooting or stay home or at least out of view.

22-250 Rem is enough gun. Others use 220 Swift and 223, and even the 204. I used my 340Wby too just because I can....bears in the area too.

And you are welcome Montana for the wolves, I think we sent down a bunch in 95 or so.