More about Fauci


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Dec 1, 2011
He is intelligent but has always had an agenda--his career and Democratic politics. He is perhaps the greatest cause of death in the HIV-AIDS debacle. See comments below by a man who won the Noble prize for PCR (Polymerized Chain Reaction).

On the topic of vaccines--I am an MD in multiple risk groups for COVID-19 and am pro-vaccine. I will not be running out to get this one--developed too fast, no long-term follow-up, new technology (based on mRNA from the virus forcing your cells to make the antigen so that your immune system can then respond to it). I'll wait for the traditional vaccines (Sanofi-GSk has one that failed efficacy but will be reformulated; Johnson and Johnson also has one in the pipeline).
PCR, when it first came out, was done manually. A very slow and labor intensive process. Now it is automated, done by a machine, in 1/100 the time it first took. Probably 1/1000's the time. When it first came out, when I was in pre-chiro school, it was greatly talked about.
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He is intelligent but has always had an agenda--his career and Democratic politics. He is perhaps the greatest cause of death in the HIV-AIDS debacle. See comments below by a man who won the Noble prize for PCR (Polymerized Chain Reaction).

On the topic of vaccines--I am an MD in multiple risk groups for COVID-19 and am pro-vaccine. I will not be running out to get this one--developed too fast, no long-term follow-up, new technology (based on mRNA from the virus forcing your cells to make the antigen so that your immune system can then respond to it). I'll wait for the traditional vaccines (Sanofi-GSk has one that failed efficacy but will be reformulated; Johnson and Johnson also has one in the pipeline).

So this is what I’m hearing you say, even though you’re “in multiple risk groups” you think getting the Pfizer vaccine is more dangerous than getting COVID? Correct?
So this is what I’m hearing you say, even though you’re “in multiple risk groups” you think getting the Pfizer vaccine is more dangerous than getting COVID? Correct?
i think he's saying considering this is not only a new vaccine but a new type of vaccine, with only months of testing, there is no way to know with any certainty what the long term side effects might be, if any.
most vaccines are made from dead or attenuated viruses that cause our body to respond specifically to that virus.
this new vaccine uses messenger rna to trick our body into producing (hopefully) inert proteins similar to the spikes on the virus, and the ideas is that we will generate antibodies for those spikes that will also destroy the virus, we don't know for sure what else it might affect that has those spikes, and so since women produce a similar protein when they are pregnant, some alarmists suggest it might interfere with getting pregnant.
So this is what I’m hearing you say, even though you’re “in multiple risk groups” you think getting the Pfizer vaccine is more dangerous than getting COVID? Correct?
I am not saying that the Pfizer vaccine is more dangerous than getting COVID—I do not know if it is safe and that is why I will not take it. By isolating as much as possible and using proper precautions when I must be out, I think my odds of catching COVID are low (my practice is no longer hospital based and does not involve treating patients with COVID; I use telemedicine whenever possible). I would likely feel the same way even if my odds were higher. If I were to catch COVID, my odds of survival are still high (although I am concerned about the after effects).
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If there are serious long term affects from the two current vaccines, then we may finally have found a term limit for all those in Congress who jumped to the head of the line for shots. Still waiting for Pelosi to blow up like a Puffer fish with all her cosmetic work.
Vaccines were discovered in the same century as the plough was invented. You think they’ve gotten worse since then?
You think it actually takes an average of seven years to develop one? Everything was done and signed off on, and approved, and it took the FDA three days to release the vaccine. Three fucking days after it was unequivocally ready to distribute in the middle of a pandemic with thousands dying every day. Before you post again think about that, and what kind of a system it actually is?

I think Dr. Faucci is an ignorant, bureaucratic piece of shit, but I am not afraid of this vaccine or any others, or germs, or viruses, or all sorts of other shit I can’t control.
I’m getting the shot when I don’t have to stand in line. Because I hate that shit.
You do whatever makes you happy. Trying to convince people to agree with you is stupid. Pretending this vaccine is unsafe IS without ANY scientific merit.
If you’re right you can fight my Legend arse!
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He is intelligent but has always had an agenda--his career and Democratic politics. He is perhaps the greatest cause of death in the HIV-AIDS debacle. See comments below by a man who won the Noble prize for PCR (Polymerized Chain Reaction).

On the topic of vaccines--I am an MD in multiple risk groups for COVID-19 and am pro-vaccine. I will not be running out to get this one--developed too fast, no long-term follow-up, new technology (based on mRNA from the virus forcing your cells to make the antigen so that your immune system can then respond to it). I'll wait for the traditional vaccines (Sanofi-GSk has one that failed efficacy but will be reformulated; Johnson and Johnson also has one in the pipeline).
Thought Fauci was full of crap for a long time, but he had me fooled the first few months, right along with the scarf queen and this stupid mask thing that no one dares question. Your eyes act as a receptor of the virus, yet where are the goggles?

Problem with the vaccine is that is a political, legal, and financial bonanza. Science has been thrown to the wind.

What happens when employees are told they will have to take the vaccines regardless of what the side effects are? Labor lawyers are already telling employees that they will have no choice. It has been a witch's cauldron of rushed science and politics with $$ going to the pharmaceutical companies. I believe that is the primary motivation ($$), and the reason Hydroxychloroquine has been left on the side lines.

I have no problem with a company making $$, but this is so transparent with the politics, that I will not be taking the shot.

Thanks for not falling in lock step with way too many physicians. Fauci is a quack, and you can see it as you look at the financial/emotional damage he has brought upon the country.
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I watched a doctor from Wisconsin testify in a house hearing, he and his group have more published articles concerning COVID than any other. Before he testified the democrat in charge read a statement calling him a right wing hack then the Republican introduced him saying he was brilliant. He had testified 6 months ago about a drug called ivermectin(you can buy it on Amazon and cvs) and was laughed out of the room by Democrats. He’s been begging the fda to run clinical trials since but they won’t, so he and his group did. They gave ivermectin to 600 health care workers in Brazil and didn’t give it to 600 others. The 600 who took it 0 COVID cases, the 600 that didn’t 314 caught the virus, and a year long supply costs about 40 bucks. Fauci is a glorified Pharma salesman and socialist hack.
Question for the docs here, if someone can get Covid, then be "cured" of it... and then get Covid again, and die from it, how will a vaccine do any better than your own immune system successfully fighting off the virus the first time yet failing the second?
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The FDA has grown into a scam. Big Pharma is out to make a profit. They don’t do that by killing their customers. They’re as evil as most big companies, i.e. their incompetence often looks like evil.
So no one died from the opioid genocide they released on us?
It’s fascinating to me that so many sheep are willing to trust when big pharma down to local doctor and pharmacist pushed billions of pills that killed- by their count 600,000 probably closer to a million million and a half- don’t forget FDA was in on it as was your friendly DEA. Yep I always trust global drug dealers and mass murders.
Fda started with rocafeller money and oil byproducts.
Fda put natural healers out of business.
Fda has no authority over me.
If you want the vaccine it’s your prerogative.
If you try and force it on people I have a lead injector for that.
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The veteran's administration was a large portion of pushing opioids.
So no one died from the opioid genocide they released on us?
It’s fascinating to me that so many sheep are willing to trust when big pharma down to local doctor and pharmacist pushed billions of pills that killed- by their count 600,000 probably closer to a million million and a half- don’t forget FDA was in on it as was your friendly DEA. Yep I always trust global drug dealers and mass murders.
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The FDA has grown into a scam. Big Pharma is out to make a profit. They don’t do that by killing their customers. They’re as evil as most big companies, i.e. their incompetence often looks like evil.

pharmaceutical companies like allot of things on earth can be both angels and demons. The amount of lives they have saved or extended is countless, but they will also bury a $1 commonly available treatment if it means they can sell a 100k treatment patented. It’s no different than any other company, you can buy walnut media stamped reloading or buy walnut media stamped pet use for 1/4 of the price, the difference is people don’t die for paying more for crushed walnuts.
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The FDA has grown into a scam. Big Pharma is out to make a profit. They don’t do that by killing their customers. They’re as evil as most big companies, i.e. their incompetence often looks like evil.

My question was rhetorical. Just pointing out the "We've lied all along, but you can trust us now," between the lines.
I just watched a video of a guy in a Jimmy Buffet t-shirt who looks and acts like he's batshit crazy speaking from what appears to be the Unabomber's mountain cabin in the 70s, and that's where I'm hanging my medical hat on vaccines? Ummmm... no.
I just watched a video of a guy in a Jimmy Buffet t-shirt who looks and acts like he's batshit crazy speaking from what appears to be the Unabomber's mountain cabin in the 70s, and that's where I'm hanging my medical hat on vaccines? Ummmm... no.

Gotta be legit if he's wearing a Buffet shirt. I mean, anyone who would think to fill a water bed with Elmer's glue has to be a genius.
The veteran's administration was a large portion of pushing opioids.
Yes that is fact; don’t forget what they called the “suicide cocktail “ that they gave to thousands waiting for prosthetic limbs and brain related injuries on the “list to no where”. I also call that mass murder and those that did it should never be trusted by anyone ever again, ever about anything.
Vaccines were discovered in the same century as the plough was invented. You think they’ve gotten worse since then?
You think it actually takes an average of seven years to develop one? Everything was done and signed off on, and approved, and it took the FDA three days to release the vaccine. Three fucking days after it was unequivocally ready to distribute in the middle of a pandemic with thousands dying every day. Before you post again think about that, and what kind of a system it actually is?

I think Dr. Faucci is an ignorant, bureaucratic piece of shit, but I am not afraid of this vaccine or any others, or germs, or viruses, or all sorts of other shit I can’t control.
I’m getting the shot when I don’t have to stand in line. Because I hate that shit.
You do whatever makes you happy. Trying to convince people to agree with you is stupid. Pretending this vaccine is unsafe IS without ANY scientific merit.
If you’re right you can fight my Legend arse!
I do not think that vaccines have gotten worse since then--I think that mRNA vaccines are untested. I do not think that it takes 7 years to develop a vaccine--I think it takes some time (I do not know how long) to determine long term safety. I think that the FDA is captured by industry and politics. I think that thousands dying every day is horrifying--I do not think that rushing a vaccine based on new technology not proven to be safe is an appropriate response.

I am not trying to convince people to agree with me--I am offering my opinion. I am not pretending that this vaccine is unsafe--I am saying that it has not been proven safe (first do no harm).
Question for the docs here, if someone can get Covid, then be "cured" of it... and then get Covid again, and die from it, how will a vaccine do any better than your own immune system successfully fighting off the virus the first time yet failing the second?
Great question and the answer is unknown.
I’m sure you’ve been in medical emergencies. I’ve preformed CPR in the field multiple times. It even worked twice! Four times if you count rescue breathing! The first rule is to ACT. I have found that doing SOMETHING is usually preferable to doing nothing. From what we do know in the summary results of these clinical trials this will stop NCovid, and we can get back to watching Democrats steal our earnings and liberty by other means.

I will tell you this. I am neither afraid of NCovid, nor am not afraid of these vaccines. The most important thing for me is to take it out of the hands of leftists to be used as just another club against Americans.
Just waiting for that balloon. LGOWI.