More Leftists are Joining SH of Late, Concerning or Benign?

Someone with a different opinion is not automatically a troll.
But a troll will continue an argument well after their position is stated.
Sometimes it’s difficult to tell whether somebody is trolling for attention, or just has a different opinion but is terrible at communicating it effectively.
There are a lot of left wing gun owners out there they just normally are not going to debate politics. I would say someone who is hard right in this country is a "constitutionalist" who does not accept any amendments after the first ten as part of the constitution. Trump isn't really that far right, people go crazy over him and project their own make believe views onto him all the time. He is really kind of a moderate who cant keep his mouth closed and makes annoying lip movements, but what he actually does is reasonable enough, voting for a dem at this point for president is taking a big risk they all will ban stuff if they can.
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What is considered hard right? I hear that all the time but I have no idea what that means in this country. I know what a hard left communist is.

is hard right loving my family, working for a living, wanting to rid this country of all social welfare (social security included) shutting down immigration and wanting to be left the hell alone, then I am hard right I guess.

Nah, that's not hard right.
Our system of choosing the lesser of two evils causes lots of people to not go to the polls. No candidate is ever going to be ideal. Ever.

They are humans. They have faults, strengths, weaknesses, personality traits, idiosyncrasies, personal experiences, backgrounds and then of course they have their own ego and agenda - regardless of which side of the aisle they are supposed to be from.

Pick the one that threatens your sensibilities the least, or that will represent your interests the best.
But for god’s sake go vote!
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I would consider voting Libertarian if it were not in essence a vote for the Dems. I've seen what voting Libertarian can mean in close elections right here in my home state. The 3-5% of the vote they siphoned from the pro-gun Republican resulted in the election of a douche-bag Dem. Has happened twice in the last 8 years. So I'll be voting for Trump even though I know full well what's up.

Agreed! I am a small "l" libertarian, meaning I am not an anarchist. The silver lining to your experience in your state might be that the establishment Republicans finally take the hint that they can't ignore the liberty wing, take their votes for granted and hope to win. One can only hope but past experience doesn't instill me with confidence.

Just remember that the Whig Party was completely supplanted by the Republican Party within a very few years. The party leaders went astray from the sentiments of the party base and quickly became irrelevant. History doesn't repeat itself but it often rhymes.

Today's struggle is for the soul of the Republican Party. If liberty doesn't rise to ascendancy, I'll walk. Everyone picks their own hill worthy of dying on.
As someone who’s been called a “libtard anti-gun/2A cuck commie plant only here to steal memes and take names” by some of the more sensitive members here, I have to agree with a few posters above...just because someone isn’t an exact clone of you, doesn’t make them a liberal.

As for seeing “leftist” political talk outside of the Bear pit, I personally haven’t seen it. ...unless you count getting called a “anti-gun libtard” for disagreeing over a certain rifle setup lol.

I think the perceived increase of “leftists” here, is only because more people are willing to debate and voice their options instead of the same boomeresque echo chamber that usually dominates forums. You also can’t ask the younger generations to get involved and then bitch when they join the forums and post something than a copy/paste opInions.

Now are there definitely people here that don’t contribute or do anything other than record the information presented to them in order to support their options or cause? Of course. Are there people here that only joined to counter the narrative? Of course. Why do you think Fox News and MSNBC have the ratings they do? They pull from the same viewer pool lol.

I would consider voting Libertarian if it were not in essence a vote for the Dems. I've seen what voting Libertarian can mean in close elections right here in my home state. The 3-5% of the vote they siphoned from the pro-gun Republican resulted in the election of a douche-bag Dem. Has happened twice in the last 8 years. So I'll be voting for Trump even though I know full well what's up.

Agreed! I am a small "l" libertarian, meaning I am not an anarchist. The silver lining to your experience in your state might be that the establishment Republicans finally take the hint that they can't ignore the liberty wing, take their votes for granted and hope to win. One can only hope but past experience doesn't instill me with confidence.

Just remember that the Whig Party was completely supplanted by the Republican Party within a very few years. The party leaders went astray from the sentiments of the party base and quickly became irrelevant. History doesn't repeat itself but it often rhymes.

Today's struggle is for the soul of the Republican Party. If liberty doesn't rise to ascendancy, I'll walk. Everyone picks their own hill worthy of dying on.
In my mind, "hard right" is pretty much the same as "hard left"; i.e. they speak in absolutes. The world doesn't operate in absolutes, it operates in many shades of gray. ...I just prefer the right side's shades of gray, over the left's.

Realists and pragmatists see the shades, zealots do not. For zealots, politics become a religion of full of absolutes that lead down a path to nowhere but wasted time and energy.
It was based on Southern Appalachia, so the correct answer is "they're all cousins".
Ya, your right there all cousins including daisy , BUT Bo and Luke we're the center characters , the other 3 - Coy , Vance, and Jud were kinda the cousins from out of town, so to speak. I should have phrased the question differently.
As someone who’s been called a “libtard anti-gun/2A cuck commie plant only here to steal memes and take names” by some of the more sensitive members here, I have to agree with a few posters above...just because someone isn’t an exact clone of you, doesn’t make them a liberal.

As for seeing “leftist” political talk outside of the Bear pit, I personally haven’t seen it. ...unless you count getting called a “anti-gun libtard” for disagreeing over a certain rifle setup lol.

I think the perceived increase of “leftists” here, is only because more people are willing to debate and voice their options instead of the same boomeresque echo chamber that usually dominates forums. You also can’t ask the younger generations to get involved and then bitch when they join the forums and post something than a copy/paste opInions.

Now are there definitely people here that don’t contribute or do anything other than record the information presented to them in order to support their options or cause? Of course. Are there people here that only joined to counter the narrative? Of course. Why do you think Fox News and MSNBC have the ratings they do? They pull from the same viewer pool lol.


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As someone who’s been called a “libtard anti-gun/2A cuck commie plant only here to steal memes and take names” by some of the more sensitive members here, I have to agree with a few posters above...just because someone isn’t an exact clone of you, doesn’t make them a liberal.

As for seeing “leftist” political talk outside of the Bear pit, I personally haven’t seen it. ...unless you count getting called a “anti-gun libtard” for disagreeing over a certain rifle setup lol.

I think the perceived increase of “leftists” here, is only because more people are willing to debate and voice their options instead of the same boomeresque echo chamber that usually dominates forums. You also can’t ask the younger generations to get involved and then bitch when they join the forums and post something than a copy/paste opInions.

Now are there definitely people here that don’t contribute or do anything other than record the information presented to them in order to support their options or cause? Of course. Are there people here that only joined to counter the narrative? Of course. Why do you think Fox News and MSNBC have the ratings they do? They pull from the same viewer pool lol.


Well you are a bit more liberal :) ..., at least that the feeling I get from our conversations. We agree on some things and disagree on others. I honestly enjoy our discussions and am interested in your point of view. We had a good discussion in "being poor makes you fat" thread and we found a ton of common ground (and some differences).

Point is, we can have differing views and beliefs and still find common ground. We can also agree to disagree but I bet we could work out a compromise. That's whats missing in today's reality.
So what do they consider themselves now that their party has gone communist and left them?
I'm not Left nor Right and I am certainly not intimidated to state my views nor does it make me upset to hear views that I disagree with. That said there are some folks that cannot have a discussion on *anything* without being a dick when you tell them something they don't like, don't believe, or can't understand.

This is not an exclusive thing to Left or Right....I have noticed that anyone who doesn't drink from the fountain of Trump or slide way Right is automatically a Commie or Socialist/Leftist here at The Hide but that's just part of the lay of the land.

I will say that I have never had so many people on ignore as I have here....then again this forum has more talented and opinionated people than any other forum I frequent so if I read posts that just waste my time because of ignornace, rudeness, stupidity, or bias and it happens over and over I just put 'em on ignore and we all rest better.

As has already been stated - no one discusses anything any more. We all have our point and there is little room for enlightenment or changing anyone's mind. No sense getting into a pissing match. Just fucking ignore dumb fucks and everybody is happy Left, Right, Religious, Stupid, Happy, Ignorant or whatever. I'm amused when people here discover that Leftists and Socialists are not automatically anti gun/anti 2A and it just enrages them. Sad truth, and maybe it's because of my geographic location or my age, I know more Democrats and Socialists that own guns and train regularly than I do Right Thinking/Republicans. I was raised by a decorated combat veteran who was a Union Stewart most of his life and a die hard Democrat that raised 7 kids (abortion is murder to he and my mother) and taught me to shoot and instilled a life long love of firearms and taught me the meaning and significance of the 2A. My Wife is a Life long Democrat, daughter of an Iowa farmer whose father (my FIL) was a life long Democrat and shared my love of guns and taught me to hand load.

It's a tough world when everything is binary - like Dems or Republicans - Left vs Right.

Not one fucking thing in Life is that simple unless yer not very bright.

Nah, that's not hard right.

My take:

Hard left: Edited: Communist China never had a "hard left" period. The old school commies had all been motivated by nationalism and extreme patriotism, as well as a rebirth of a past era of cultural and national glory. "Hard left" seems to be exclusively a western "social democratic" phenomenon.

Hard right: China 1996 ( Revamped Gun Control Act and elimination of long gun registry exemption) to present day (Corporation driven autocracy, social credit system, mass surveillance)

Neither are good things. Note the the gap between 1978 and 1996 in my example above. This is not to illustrate that China actually had a center/right of center period. Living conditions and individual freedom was certainly at the best point during that time period, for some people. The Tiananmen Square massacre also happened during this 'gap' period. However, after 1996, we can certainly see how China has built the first prototype corporatist-fascist state that is featured in many dystopian sci-fi works such as Blade Runner.
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Well you are a bit more liberal :) ..., at least that the feeling I get from our conversations. We agree on some things and disagree on others. I honestly enjoy our discussions and am interested in your point of view. We had a good discussion in "being poor makes you fat" thread and we found a ton of common ground (and some differences).

Point is, we can have differing views and beliefs and still find common ground. We can also agree to disagree but I bet we could work out a compromise. That's whats missing in today's reality.
Exactly. ?

Comrade* ?
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Well you are a bit more liberal :) ..., at least that the feeling I get from our conversations. We agree on some things and disagree on others. I honestly enjoy our discussions and am interested in your point of view. We had a good discussion in "being poor makes you fat" thread and we found a ton of common ground (and some differences).

Point is, we can have differing views and beliefs and still find common ground. We can also agree to disagree but I bet we could work out a compromise. That's whats missing in today's reality.
I can agree with what you said here as far as how you described ya’lls conversations. I can feel the same towards others with differing views and opinions than my own as long as their views and opinions don’t involve taking from me, keeping me from, or forcing down my throat those said opinions. Once that line is crossed then I’m done. This is my disgust with the modern democratic party.
I can agree with what you said here as far as how you described ya’lls conversations. I can feel the same towards others with differing views and opinions than my own as long as their views and opinions don’t involve taking from me, keeping me from, or forcing down my throat those said opinions. Once that line is crossed then I’m done. This is my disgust with the modern democratic party.

Well, there are many things wrong with the modern democratic and for that matter the republican party.

As for crossing the line. I live by the rule that you sometimes need to give a little to get a little. That's what compromise is all about. Sure there are things in which are so dear to your beliefs that they are immediately off the table - everyone works this way. But compromise is a 2 way street, at least when done in good faith.
Hard right is all but a myth invented to apply balance to an unbalanced system.
All of the labels being applied are really leftist/socialist/communist ideals/practices.
A distraction to reality.


The only difference between "hard left" and "hard right" is how the masses are distracted/unified/hypnotized.

Hard right relies on extreme nationalism, jingoism, and military pride. "Forward! We must kill the enemy", that kind of thing.

Hard left uses social justice notions, open borders, gender and sexual identities, "I can use whatever bathroom I identify myself with", etc...
They are paid trolls. Paid by Soros / sharia blue.

They hit other forums too. Hope to get the idiot “middle of the roaders “ I guess.

Try playing that game on their forums or places like Facebook or nextdoor and you get banned faster than a cop hater gets banned here
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Well, there are many things wrong with the modern democratic and for that matter the republican party.

As for crossing the line. I live by the rule that you sometimes need to give a little to get a little. That's what compromise is all about. Sure there are things in which are so dear to your beliefs that they are immediately off the table - everyone works this way. But compromise is a 2 way street, at least when done in good faith.
We've been giving for decades.
I'll give no more.
Good faith ideals don't exist in the political world.
This is where they are 'debating" my rights away.

This is my thoughts as well.


I would say hard-left and hard-right are in principle the same - just different ends of the same spectrum. IMO the historical definition of both have shown that both end up in oppressive totalitarian regimes which deny/suppress individual liberties. In the end, that's what matters right?
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Well you are a bit more liberal :) ..., at least that the feeling I get from our conversations. We agree on some things and disagree on others. I honestly enjoy our discussions and am interested in your point of view. We had a good discussion in "being poor makes you fat" thread and we found a ton of common ground (and some differences).

Point is, we can have differing views and beliefs and still find common ground. We can also agree to disagree but I bet we could work out a compromise. That's whats missing in today's reality.

The only difference between "hard left" and "hard right" is how the masses are distracted/unified/hypnotized.

Hard right relies on extreme nationalism, jingoism, and military pride. "Forward! We must kill the enemy", that kind of thing.

Hard left uses social justice notions, open borders, gender and sexual identities, "I can use whatever bathroom I identify myself with", etc...
As an ideal you've given the definition.
Show me the real "far right" in any significant numbers/influence.

We've been giving for decades.
I'll give no more.
Good faith ideals don't exist in the political world.
This is where they are 'debating" my rights away.


Understandable and I often feel the same way so I agree. But that means our beef is with our chosen elected officials who are not properly representing their electorate.

I would say hard-left and hard-right are in principle the same - just different ends of the same spectrum. IMO the historical definition of both have shown that both end up in oppressive totalitarian regimes which deny/suppress individual liberties. In the end, that's what matters right?
@Rthur is implying that totalitarianism is in fact hard left always. The so called hard right doesn’t actually exist. I tend to agree with him and your points as well as they basically say the same thing in different ways.
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Then you need to pull your head out because the left has a bead on YOUR rights and they mean to TAKE them from you.

Come take 'em.

Sorry, I really am. Only it's really all the words I can muster anymore. I've pleaded and I've begged, I've voted and I've written. I'm a property owner and I'm vested in my community and country. I've done all I can do. If tyranny takes a turn, I can rest well in my absolute resolve that I've done everything in my power to retain my Rights peacefully and with honor.
There is the old saying, you can lead a horse to can't make him drink. This explains the left perfectly. The kool-aid is far to addictive for them. They all are just looking for the next handout. They want the government provide their survival. A conservative wants to make his own way to survive. The left claims to be far more educated than the rest of us. Sadly what they call education, we call it what it actually is.....indoctrination.
@Rthur is implying that totalitarianism is in fact hard left always. The so called hard right doesn’t actually exist. I tend to agree with him and your points as well as they basically say the same thing in different ways.

I suppose sometimes we have to apply definitions to things just to start building parameters.

Both hard-left and hard-right would instill their beliefs on you, by use of force if necessary. In other words, its "our way or die" (or be imprisoned, tortured, experimented get the point it aint good) once you reach either end of that spectrum. With death likely being the end result of opposing either side, does it really matter?

Both sides would probably hate things like.

Every man is created equal.
We are all entitled to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Just as examples.

But there are people who post on here that are much much more knowledgeable about history and the true differences in the definitions.

But to me, dead is dead.
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Often times, Libertarians will be confused for leftists because people who are not politically astute can not comprehend the concept of politics not being black and white...Not supporting Trump does not automatically make you a leftist democrat... Personally I think Trump could care less about gun rights and individual freedom, he is in it for glory and his stance will sway with political opportunity. When we realize that our second amendment rights are not protected by politicians but by the well armed populace, then maybe we will be brave enough to take a political risk and establish a viable third party based on principles held by the average man. Voting out of fear is not is compliance to your overlord.
I’d say you’re the one who doesn’t grasp politics and the political realities of our system. That’s a fucking retarded idea that would cost us ALL our rights. James Carvile may be an asshole, but he gets politics, and the left party is the one that’s in danger of a crackup they wouldn’t soon recover from.

How about we allow the left to start ”powerful” third (socialists) and forth (greens) parties so we can relegate their asinine Marxist bullshit to the outer-rim of rump party, screaming, ineffective outsider status that their failed and discredited ideologies deserve?

I’m not a single issue voter, but I don’t have to be. If you’re for killing babies I’ll bet $100 you also want to steal all my money and disarm me. Fancy that!
I'm not Left nor Right and I am certainly not intimidated to state my views nor does it make me upset to hear views that I disagree with. That said there are some folks that cannot have a discussion on *anything* without being a dick when you tell them something they don't like, don't believe, or can't understand.

This is not an exclusive thing to Left or Right....I have noticed that anyone who doesn't drink from the fountain of Trump or slide way Right is automatically a Commie or Socialist/Leftist here at The Hide but that's just part of the lay of the land.

I will say that I have never had so many people on ignore as I have here....then again this forum has more talented and opinionated people than any other forum I frequent so if I read posts that just waste my time because of ignornace, rudeness, stupidity, or bias and it happens over and over I just put 'em on ignore and we all rest better.

As has already been stated - no one discusses anything any more. We all have our point and there is little room for enlightenment or changing anyone's mind. No sense getting into a pissing match. Just fucking ignore dumb fucks and everybody is happy Left, Right, Religious, Stupid, Happy, Ignorant or whatever. I'm amused when people here discover that Leftists and Socialists are not automatically anti gun/anti 2A and it just enrages them. Sad truth, and maybe it's because of my geographic location or my age, I know more Democrats and Socialists that own guns and train regularly than I do Right Thinking/Republicans. I was raised by a decorated combat veteran who was a Union Stewart most of his life and a die hard Democrat that raised 7 kids (abortion is murder to he and my mother) and taught me to shoot and instilled a life long love of firearms and taught me the meaning and significance of the 2A. My Wife is a Life long Democrat, daughter of an Iowa farmer whose father (my FIL) was a life long Democrat and shared my love of guns and taught me to hand load.

It's a tough world when everything is binary - like Dems or Republicans - Left vs Right.

Not one fucking thing in Life is that simple unless yer not very bright.


Excellent post.

To be to the left or right is to be off center. The Truth, the Absolute Truth, is dead center. When I shoot at a Bullseye I aim for the center. I consider myself a REALIST, examining all points of view and choosing the on that is closest to the Truth as I am able to perceive it.
Excellent post.

To be to the left or right is to be off center. The Truth, the Absolute Truth, is dead center. When I shoot at a Bullseye I aim for the center. I consider myself a REALIST, examining all points of view and choosing the on that is closest to the Truth as I am able to perceive it.
So basically you are on the right. Got it.
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Agreed! I am a small "l" libertarian, meaning I am not an anarchist. The silver lining to your experience in your state might be that the establishment Republicans finally take the hint that they can't ignore the liberty wing, take their votes for granted and hope to win. One can only hope but past experience doesn't instill me with confidence.

Just remember that the Whig Party was completely supplanted by the Republican Party within a very few years. The party leaders went astray from the sentiments of the party base and quickly became irrelevant. History doesn't repeat itself but it often rhymes.

Today's struggle is for the soul of the Republican Party. If liberty doesn't rise to ascendancy, I'll walk. Everyone picks their own hill worthy of dying on.

Like the tea party should have replaced the republicans?

But the republicans and democrats used .gov and irs to squash them ?
^fhey all should be hung
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I’d say you’re the one who doesn’t grasp politics and the political realities of our system. That’s a fucking retarded idea that would cost us ALL our rights. James Carvile may be an asshole, but he gets politics, and the left party is the one that’s in danger of a crackup they wouldn’t soon recover from.

How about we allow the left to start ”powerful” third (socialists) and forth (greens) parties so we can relegate their asinine Marxist bullshit to the outer-rim of rump party, screaming, ineffective outsider status that their failed and discredited ideologies deserve?

I’m not a single issue voter, but I don’t have to be. If you’re for killing babies I’ll bet $100 you also want to steal all my money and disarm me. Fancy that!
You've hit on an important point.
A question I've yet to hear the answer to.
As the baby has it's own unique DNA how is it not a human/life?

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Didn't read whole thread.
I like a little troll with my Hide. As long as no pussies aggravate the HMFIC, it makes for much needed entertainment.
Let them blather...pffft....who gives a fuck. As long as they don't get the BP shut down.

8pointer mentioned an outlet. He is spot on. See, they are real nervous lately, worried, can't sleep, tossing, hearing voices.
They need to take advice from Preacher Pauly:

Trolls in the BP is necessary evil.
  • Haha
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Before I reached the age of reason, I voted for a Democrat in my first election. Unfortunately, it was Bill Clinton :oops: I was right out of High School, didn't own any guns and didn't know much about the 2nd Amendment. But back then their were many reasonable, pro-gun and pro-life Dems. With the election of Barack Hussein, something drastic changed in the Dem party. If you didn't stake out an extreme left wing position on EVERYTHING you were suspect. So now we have Dems who support abolishing the 2nd Amendment and confiscating guns currently in circulation. We have Dems who support abortion up until 9 months.

There is no room in the Dem party for a middle ground on anything. You have to be "woke" and extremist in your words and actions, or you are ostracized. So any sane and rational person long ago left the Dem party. We are now dealing with the die-hards, the truly committed. So when they say they mean to destroy our rights, our freedoms, our way of life I fucking believe every word of it.
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The "hard right" is the totalitarianism of the "hard left" with the idea on the "hard right" that you can own private property and experience freedom as long as you stay within the policies of the power group.

Otherwise same, left, no right.

Perhaps the current period will expose and cause a redefining of Post WWII political philosophy.
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Before I reached the age of reason, I voted for a Democrat in my first election.

We are all proud of you. That took a lot to admit, you are showing your character. We should confess our sins one to another.

In that vein I'd like to confess that I fucked a sheep once......but I never voted for a Democrat.
The "hard right" is the totalitarianism of the "hard left" with the idea on the "hard right" that you can own private property and experience freedom as long as you stay within the policies of the power group.

Otherwise same, left, no right.

Perhaps the current period will expose and cause a redefining of Post WWII political philosophy.
I disagree. The “Hard Right” are libertarians who want practically no government and believe in literal Laissez-Faire economics and regulation. It’s as purist and unworkable as totalitarianism/communism, but for entirely different reasons.
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I disagree. The “Hard Right” are libertarians who want practically no government and believe in literal Laissez-Faire economics and regulation. It’s as purist and unworkable as totalitarianism/communism, but for entirely different reasons.


I can see that logic.

The opposite of "Totalitarian Government" would be "No Government"

Neither promotes a free society promoting equality of opportunity.

Im a little kinder to Libertarians than you though.i

Locke and Jefferson are my ideal idea of Libertarians.

The right you describe are Anarchists.

On the left we have Communists and sharing the same swing on their right hand would be

This is a Revolutionary upset of post war political philosophy and I believe we see it to be true in real time.
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I disagree. The “Hard Right” are libertarians who want practically no government and believe in literal Laissez-Faire economics and regulation. It’s as purist and unworkable as totalitarianism/communism, but for entirely different reasons.

Far left and far right converge on totalitarianism and on "anarchy" as well.

This is about the best I found to visually illustrate. Its a bit off IMO but hits on the main idea I think...
