I guess we really do agree on Trump.
I'll elaborate some. I agree with your last well said paragraph 100℅.
It appears that he knew it all too, and to me, YMMV, this republic is going to have a fight on some level.
The best method, outcome, least destructive, possible best option was when he had that speech, that day.
I think he 100℅ knew the fix was in, he called his people there for a reason, not just a speech, and we all watched it live he blinked.
He took the easy way out and went home. Leaving 1/2 of the country holding the bag. And today, 4 months into the charade this country is picking up speed towards it's destruction. I'm sure we can agree in that.
I read somewhere that courage is doing the hard thing even when others are faltering.
He had his chance and he balked, I will never forget the look on his face that day at the end of his speech. He knew what it meant, he knew what was happening and at the critical moment, he just didn't have the courage.
I don't hate the man, I respect him in many ways for sure, but this republic is more than just him. And it matters to me and I'll guarantee you too judging from some if you previous posts.
After all of that.lol, I'll add this. I don't think he's done. Honestly I think he is pissed at himself right now because of what he didn't do
And I think he has every intention of finishing up the house cleaning. Possibly wrong here for sure, but it's what I think anyways.
There is a reason this system is pushing back against him, us, the "election" and all things traditional American. Their control is a concept, a hope, an illusion if you will.
And they're scared right now.
For example, you can bet anything you have that threads like this are monitored, kept, studied and possibly investigated for.... reasons.
That last paragraph speaks volumes alone and it would be of no value to explain why . But I'm positive that you already know this.
The fact that we are here, and these things are true should concern anyone smart enough to understand the implications.
I'm going to tap out now, in an effort to avoid saying anything I shouldn't say. If we were sitting around nursing a bourbon undoubtedly we could really peel back some layers. But not here.
Peace brother