I agree with you in that govt won’t do anything to govt. The police will do everything in their stolen power to protect these criminals. Make sure everyone you know hears the message you just gave. Until all respect from the people is taken away from any and all govt institutions, including the police, we have no recourse. We can remove this power by disrespect and disobedience. It can stay non-violent and I hope it does. This choice would be theirs.Nothing will come out of the AZ audit. Dominion is untouchable and protected. Rule of law is dead. Our justice system is beyond corrupt.
People that take a govt check whether welfare or paycheck, need to feel animosity from the people. The real divide in this country is between govt/corporate power and the tax paying people. If you disagree with me and have a solution that can be discussed in an open forum, I’m all ears.
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