new boy here,
from "over the pond" I live 10 miles south of York in England,
retired last year, more time to shoot, (we can shoot deer over here 364 days a year, )
yes we have guns over here, nothing like as easy as you guys have it, I have been in Walmart,
I`m currently at 4 rifles and several shotguns,
main deer rifle is a 7mm08 tikka M595 in stainless/black poly stock,
I have a couple of 22rf and a fac airgun for around the farms,
I visited over there a few times usually leave Cabella`s or similar with an extra suitcase of stuff,
any questions? ask away,
from "over the pond" I live 10 miles south of York in England,
retired last year, more time to shoot, (we can shoot deer over here 364 days a year, )
yes we have guns over here, nothing like as easy as you guys have it, I have been in Walmart,
I`m currently at 4 rifles and several shotguns,
main deer rifle is a 7mm08 tikka M595 in stainless/black poly stock,
I have a couple of 22rf and a fac airgun for around the farms,
I visited over there a few times usually leave Cabella`s or similar with an extra suitcase of stuff,
any questions? ask away,