Long ago in Fla we provided power for many venues. During the early 90's a US Navy Hydrofoil was docked in Tampa & needed a Mw dockside. We took a unit down an hooked her up. That afternoon we got a call from a guy with CBS who wants us to move the unit 80 feet so they could use the ship as back drop for this POS. I was called to go down & see WTF was going on, which I did. Upon arrival I found the Captain to see if he wanted it moved & to relay the cost of same. Doing it while still powering the ship would be costly, but if it could be shut down during would be much cheaper. He wanted to know who called, told him, and he said no way its getting shut down for that. The Navy would not pay that freight, which is what I suspected from the get go. Walked over to the CBS crew an told them the cost and that was when it all went to shit. They told that POS Rather and he blew a gasket. He walked over and started berating me and after about 30 seconds the Captain walked up and just rolled his eyes. Which to me was clearance to respond in hillbilly style most properly. They got their shot w/o the back round they wanted, as that genset never moved. The Captain offered me a tour and CBS wanted to go as well & he said NO. While getting the tour he was suddenly called away and over rode by higher ups, about CBS coming aboard. He just smiled and said if my Order had not get reversed by higher those "people" would have been shot if they were trying to get on here. The look in his eye convinced me he was not bluffing.

Nolte: CBS Tries to Rehabilitate Disgraced Dan Rather
CBS has joined the campaign to rehab Dan Rather after he was fired from the network for trying to rig the 2004 presidential election.