Maggie’s Motivational Pic Thread v2.0 - - New Rules - See Post #1


Are you accustomed to other people doing your homework for you?
Ah, anti-vaxxers, short on logic, reason or facts. You make a claim that a vaccine will kill more people than it saves from cancer, it’s not my homework, that is your homework to prove it. I’m not wasting my time debunking flat-earthers either.
Ah, anti-vaxxers, short on logic, reason or facts. You make a claim that a vaccine will kill more people than it saves from cancer, it’s not my homework, that is your homework to prove it. I’m not wasting my time debunking flat-earthers either.

If you are vaccinated, then you've got nothing to worry about, right? Live and let live. Don't try to force your BS on others!
If you are vaccinated, then you've got nothing to worry about, right? Live and let live. Don't try to force your BS on others!

Wrong actually. Many vaccinated people can and will still get a virus for which they have been vaccinated. Some people with allergies can’t be vaccinated at all. The very real danger of some of the “herd” deciding to forego vaccines because of sketchy pseodoinformation is a large scale outbreak of a potentially deadly virus that had been all but eradicated.

The medical profession isn’t “forcing BS on others”, we’re trying to continue to live in a world where you don’t have to watch your children die of polio or the measles. But go ahead and believe Jenny McCarthy or some jagoff on the net who has no idea how to critically read a scientific paper with bad methodology. Personally, if it was just other people at risk I’d chalk it up to Darwinism and move on, but the anti-vax asshattery puts everyone at risk.

For the life of me I can’t see how anyone would choose the very real risk of losing their child over the very imagined risk of vaccine induced autism.

But this discussion does not belong here as it is A) not a picture and B) not at all motivational, which puts us all at risk of seeing awful, saggy fatbags that we can’t unsee.
Wrong actually. Many vaccinated people can and will still get a virus for which they have been vaccinated. Some people with allergies can’t be vaccinated at all. The very real danger of some of the “herd” deciding to forego vaccines because of sketchy pseodoinformation is a large scale outbreak of a potentially deadly virus that had been all but eradicated.

The medical profession isn’t “forcing BS on others”, we’re trying to continue to live in a world where you don’t have to watch your children die of polio or the measles. But go ahead and believe Jenny McCarthy or some jagoff on the net who has no idea how to critically read a scientific paper with bad methodology. Personally, if it was just other people at risk I’d chalk it up to Darwinism and move on, but the anti-vax asshattery puts everyone at risk.

For the life of me I can’t see how anyone would choose the very real risk of losing their child over the very imagined risk of vaccine induced autism.

But this discussion does not belong here as it is A) not a picture and B) not at all motivational, which puts us all at risk of seeing awful, saggy fatbags that we can’t unsee.

You have a lot more faith in big pharma and the FDA (owned by big pharma) than I do. Big pharma kills millions.

Next time you get vaccinated, ask what the ingredients of the coctail, you are blindly allowing them to inject into your bloodstream, are. Bet they won't or can't tell you. It's not just about MMR, buddy.

I say fuck Monsanto, Bayer and all the other evil corporations that create this cycle of sickness for no other reason than the almighty dollar. There may have been a day when motives were pure, but those days are gone. I also say fuck "jagoffs" who pretend they know more and what's best for me and insult my intelligence.

But this discussion does not belong here as it is A) not a picture and B) not at all motivational, which puts us all at risk of seeing awful, saggy fatbags that we can’t unsee.

Funny. That's what I thought the first two times I saw some "asshat" bringing this shit to this thread. You want the pharma, more power to you. Any time I see Hollyweird pushing an agenda, like at the Oscars, I know its wrong. I'll stick with non-toxic and natural remedies.
Death by Measles

In the decade before 1963 when a vaccine became available, nearly all children got measles by the time they were 15 years of age. It is estimated 3 to 4 million people in the United States were infected each year. Also each year, among reported cases, an estimated 400 to 500 people died, 48,000 were hospitalized, and 1,000 suffered encephalitis (swelling of the brain) from measles.[ /quote]

Death by Doctor

A recent Johns Hopkins study claims more than 250,000 people in the U.S. die every year from medical errors. Other reports claim the numbers to be as high as 440,000.

I don't know if med types misinform the public about inoculations. I do know the AMA misinforms the public about firearms.

Doctors Know Best
Alfack, please share with the world a single "natural and nontoxic remedy" for measles, mumps, rubella, or polio. Other than the obvious one, death. And please share what training or education you have that makes you in any way an expert on the subject. We will wait......
Hold your breath, while I wait for you to show me the study that shows injecting yourself with heavy metals, like mercury, is good for you. Since you only want to make this about MMR. Given a choice, I would rather risk my kid contracting measles than autism.
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