Maggie’s Motivational Pic Thread v2.0 - - New Rules - See Post #1

Deleting won't help... it's not your storage that has been exceeded, but the bandwidth of everyone on SH looking at pictures. Every time someone looks, your download bandwidth gets dinged. You are going to have to spend the $3 a month or so... for a PB plan. Sorry. I went through this a few months ago. On the bright side, Your're Popular!



The supposed back story on this is that the 'slap charge' diversionary device broke through the window and landed inside the bus and counter-charged the 'IED' (Bomb) that was inside the bus for the teams Bomb Tech to disassemble. Never got a report on casualties - but - that HAD to have messed some of the 'hostages' & 'terrorists' up.

But they are Russians. That's how they roll.

Re. Cruise's comments. I heard that Friday and just have to say that Tom Cruise has just proved that he is a mental midget in addition to being... dare I say it... a midget.

The men and women who have what it takes to earn the title of "Marine" grow stuff under their toenails that are better life forms than Cruise... What a tool.

Cheers, Sirhr
No T&A But I had to post my wifes nail collection for veterans day tomorrow. She's a manicurist and to show her support to my fellow vets and I, I came home to these, and She's a .5 moa shooter!

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