I hear ya! If my daughter stares or has questions, I do my darnedest to just ask the person.
They usually dont mind a kid asking. I tell them its better than guessing and then she doesnt really understand.
She has my heart and ferocity, so its good for her to know.
She definitely knows it is ok (and expected) that she stand up for folks like that and not make fun.
Its not easy by any darn stretch and raising good kids is a lot of fun.
I hear ya! If my daughter stares or has questions, I do my darnedest to just ask the person.
They usually dont mind a kid asking. I tell them its better than guessing and then she doesnt really understand.
She has my heart and ferocity, so its good for her to know.
She definitely knows it is ok (and expected) that she stand up for folks like that and not make fun.
Its not easy by any darn stretch and raising good kids is a lot of fun.