Maggie’s Motivational Pic Thread v2.0 - - New Rules - See Post #1

Yep, here's how that worked...
Having a conversation with neighbors... A few of them say they are absolutely not going to be Nazis and will stand true to that...
The next day you hear gunfire... Neighbors are dead.
They show up at his house... Heil

He's alive and he's the reason why we made it to space...

And because we agree with what he did with his life that is ok, but the other guy.....burn him.

Just want to make sure I understand this.
Can we leave the politics out of this thread and you can start a new thread where you can go ape shit about Soros and Nazis and whatever the fuck the NON motivation shit can go?

I am not seeing this as politics, more of history and how people are full of hypocrisy. It is ok to use one to go to the moon, but not ok to use another ***cough*** persons work for the medical research it provided.

I will let it drop, thread is better with some nice ass anyhoo.
She was very interesting, Very much woman rights, while very victorian at the same time, always long sleeves and not so much of an ankle showing. I don't remember off the top of my head where she stood on the right to vote.

I don't know where she stood on the right to vote. As much as I hate to quote Wikipedia they do say this about her.

"Oakley urged that women serve in war, though President McKinley rejected her offer of woman sharpshooters for service in the Spanish–American War. Beyond this offer to the president, Oakley believed that women should learn to use a gun for the empowering image that it gave. Laura Browder discusses how Oakley's stardom gave hope to women and youth in Her Best Shot: Women and Guns In America. Oakley pressed for women to be independent and educated. She was a key influence in the creation of the image of the American cowgirl. Through this image, she provided substantial evidence that women are as capable as men when offered the opportunity to prove themselves."

With that said, she may have supported some aspects of the suffragette movement. I still don't think that women should be serving in combat and given the current state of affairs in this country, they should have never been given the right to vote. Other than that, she was a very remarkable woman.

I'll add one more footnote about the suffragette movement that has been forgotten in history. When the Titanic sank, a total of 1523 passengers died. Here's the breakdown:

Women that died: 110 or 7.2%
Children that died: 56 or 3.7%
Men that died: 1357 or 89.1%

The total number of women on board the titanic made up less than 20% of the total passenger list but wasn't proportional to correlation in the number that died.

At the time of the sinking, the suffragette movement was at it's apex and this wasn't lost on a lot of men. Upon learning that a huge number of men gave up their seats in the life boats to the women, the common saying was; "They want their 'rights' on land but demand their 'privileges' at sea."

You can still see that same suffragette attitude today. Just watch the number of gold digger pranks when the woman gets everything she can from a man but throws a fit when she has to pay for dinner.

Some women might even glare at a man who won't give up their seat on a subway train or bus. Why should they if women are demanding their rights? I still try to act like a gentleman and will give up my seat for a lady but if the bitch is wearing a woman's rights t-shirt she can remain standing.

If they truly wanted their rights at sea the passengers should have lined up for the life boats according to age with the youngest first.
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Those suckers are fully ripe, and ready for harvest.
I know her. She was engaged to a friend of mine. I helped her build some of her props (Chainsaw for Lollipop Chainsaw and others) . She was a cool kid before all the internet fame and back before both the implant surgeries. She went from cute and sexy costumes to showing all but her nips, asshole and vag. I think we are well on our way to seeing those.
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There's an entire thread for
I am not seeing this as politics, more of history and how people are full of hypocrisy. It is ok to use one to go to the moon, but not ok to use another ***cough*** persons work for the medical research it provided.

I will let it drop, thread is better with some nice ass anyhoo.

It's not the intent of this thread. No issue w/ it except it's in this thread. I don't open this thread to get angry about some Nazi Jew who first stole property from his victims then attempts to steal my freedoms. Like I said, start a thread and we can pile on in there.
Lots of people don't know that in many jails, when someone gets put on suicide watch, they get their regular clothes taken away, and are given a sort of smock/dress like garment to wear so they can't use their clothes to hang themselves. Some jails used to use suicide watch as a way to punish people who were a pain in the ass, because it is difficult to act like a tough guy when you are wearing a dress in jail.

Edit: this was in response to the previous posting about the cop Derek Chauvin who was put on suicide watch.
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Don't forget about the six-year-old white boy with autism that was killed by two trigger-happy asshole BLACK cops in Louisiana in 2015.

Maybe if more white people would riot then maybe we'd stop being the victims of this Marixist SJW bullshit. AND more importantly, the streets would be safer.

Where were the riots for Jeremy Mardis?