Maggie’s Motivational Pic Thread v2.0 - - New Rules - See Post #1


Something I've always wondered about with engraving and checkering was whether they ever slip? I'd have to assume it's happened. Is it game over? Or is there a way to "fix it" . It would be a terrible shame if after 400 hours of making the action the engraver fucked up and had to toss it in the trash :oops:
Something I've always wondered about with engraving and checkering was whether they ever slip? I'd have to assume it's happened. Is it game over? Or is there a way to "fix it" . It would be a terrible shame if after 400 hours of making the action the engraver fucked up and had to toss it in the trash :oops:

I would take their mistakes for the appropriate discount, could never afford retail for one of them.....
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Shocking. Watt is the capacity of people in these electrifying, current times. A grounded person would relay this to their circuit of friends.

(Also, the rules for this forum say you can't show images of the family joules.)

Well played. Now if we could just work in Zener Diode's and maybe Pin Type Base Support's (PTBS) for Crystal Oscillator's we'd be cooking with a Wave Solderer. ;)