Maggie’s Motivational Pic Thread v2.0 - - New Rules - See Post #1

It has 429 HP to the wheels. Some mods and I can get it to about 465 HP average HP, which is what NASA requires. That would make Max 490 HP to the wheels. I plan on rev limiting it to race in a lower class so, I should have it around 360 to 350 HP when I do that.
My wife's daily driver is a 2018 GT 6speed manual. I believe it's stock at 465 h/p (sales pitch) and redlines at like 7400 rpm. Fun to drive but nowhere to stretch its legs. 2nd gear is over the speed limit.
Can we verify this "letter" by any other sources because I smell bullshit. I have no doubt Nancy thought all of those things but I seriously doubt she put any of that on paper much less letterhead. Smells like bullshit
WHEN you read WHeeler's Aug 26 interview he is contrite

After that he blames TRump at every turn. POlitifact claims it's false however when you apply the dates in searches it seems to be a huge coincidence. There are just too many coincidences to continue to overlook it.