Maggie’s Motivational Pic Thread v2.0 - - New Rules - See Post #1

Yea, I probably would have cleaned it too.

What Todd Hodnett (look up his credentials) meant in his course was that after you clean a long range rifle you have to shoot a few rounds (close to 20?) through it to "re-coat" (my term, not his) the bore, which will get it shooting back to it's original accuracy. He says *do* clean it when it starts dropping in accuracy, but that can be between 1,000 to 1,500 rounds.
If you have a really good barrel, my experience is you only need to shoot 4 to 5 to re-foul the barrel.
I had a .22-250 that was like that. If I cleaned it then shot it again, the groups were 1.5-2 inches at 100 yards. After about 5-10 rounds they would settle back down to about 1/2 inch.

I decided to re-barrel that rifle but before that needed to shoot about 3000-4000 rounds through it to get rid of the ammunition.

I was still hitting 1-2 MOA targets easily at 600-650 yards when the last rounds went through it.

When I got the barrel back from the gunsmith I ran a bore scope through it. The first two inches of rifling was gone. Yet I was still able to hit 1-2 MOA steel targets at 600-650 yards.

BTW, to use up the ammo I shot about 300-400 rounds everyday for several days.
With that kind of performance and ammo to feed it, why would you want to mess with it?

I found a K98 actioned sporter in a pawn shop in .270 w/ a 4x Weaver scope for cheap. It looked like it had been through a couple of ugly divorces and thrown down a driveway and into the bed of the truck a few times. Even the 24" barrel had dings on the outside and all the blue worn off. The inside didn't look much better and was filthy.
I figure I would re-barrel it in 30-06 but before I wanted to see how it shot. I ran a patch with some Hoppes down it and grabbed a box of Fed. Supreme. The thing put all five first shots in a ragged hole at 100M.
I took it home and scrubbed the bore with Sweets and ran patches out until they were clean. The thing is a 1/2" gun with over the counter ammo and has slayed many deer and hogs. I'm now a .270 shooter.
Not even going to address that here, since this is the MVP thread and not the rifle or maintenance section or thread. You’re just going to eventually find out that that is just some more overstated Hodnett Hogwash. Start a thread if you think it bears serious discussion. 😎
Please explain your disdain for Hodnett.
With that kind of performance and ammo to feed it, why would you want to mess with it?

I found a K98 actioned sporter in a pawn shop in .270 w/ a 4x Weaver scope for cheap. It looked like it had been through a couple of ugly divorces and thrown down a driveway and into the bed of the truck a few times. Even the 24" barrel had dings on the outside and all the blue worn off. The inside didn't look much better and was filthy.
I figure I would re-barrel it in 30-06 but before I wanted to see how it shot. I ran a patch with some Hoppes down it and grabbed a box of Fed. Supreme. The thing put all five first shots in a ragged hole at 100M.
I took it home and scrubbed the bore with Sweets and ran patches out until they were clean. The thing is a 1/2" gun with over the counter ammo and has slayed many deer and hogs. I'm now a .270 shooter.

It was an older rifle with a slow twist. It could only shoot 55 grain bullets. The maximum effective range was 700 yards. Anything beyond that the there were stability issues. I got it re-barreled in 6.5 CM and couldn't be happier.
Where's the first shot flyer? After all, your first shot was through a cold suppressor.

That was the first group after breaking the barrel in and zeroing the scope. I spent the entire afternoon at the range for the barrel break in. I was letting the barrel cool off about 5 minutes between shots for that group.

I've got several of the QB cans on other rifles and haven't seen any first round flyers. I've had some flyers in those rifles but that is because it's usually my fault not the rifle. Again, no first round flyers.
Pictures like this make me keep my mouth shut when I am broken after a long day at work.
When men where men and proud of it. View attachment 7642335

ms gamboolgals father, Mr. Beam, was in the 101st - he mentioned several times the Bayonet / knife carried as depicted in the picture above.

He was with the original group at Tocooa, GA and was in all the fights all the way thru the war. He was never wounded.
Mr. Beam is pictured in the lower right of the group photo below.
The one of him alone is at Nuremberg after the war. That is another post to tell about

We lost Mr. Beam in 2008 and I still miss him sorely - he was a father to me and I would sit and listen to him for hours talk of growing up dirt poor in East Texas and of his experiences in the war.
Hats off to all the Veterans of all the wars



Maybe crybaby LeBron can take a lesson from men who know what real pain is. This is not to lessen the severity, suffering, and sacrifice of others who have only received one purple heart. I know that I wouldn't want one. This is to contrast the spoiled sports star's supposed suffering to what real suffering is.

Maybe crybaby LeBron can take a lesson from men who know what real pain is. This is not to lessen the severity, suffering, and sacrifice of others who have only received one purple heart. I know that I wouldn't want one. This is to contrast the spoiled sports star's supposed suffering to what real suffering is.

Are you kidding me, he'd be curled up behind a tree crying his eyes out. I bet next year, he doesn't play more than 3 games in a row and then he'll bench himself for at least 1 game.
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Gotta admit, that's good shooting I don't care who you are. Just think how much better it would be if you dropped the Creed and shot 6 gay tiger. Those groups would be corn holing each other.

Maybe but there is something wrong with the moniker of that cartridge. They could have called it something else. Too many other projects now.
Are you kidding me, he'd be curled up behind a tree crying his eyes out. I bet next year, he doesn't play more than 3 games in a row and then he'll bench himself for at least 1 game.