Maggie’s Motivational Pic Thread v2.0 - - New Rules - See Post #1


My first wife's sister was married to a redneck...I mean the true definition of a redneck. Great guy and I swear he could track whitetails by scent.

Anyway, shortly after meeting him the discussion turned to cars. Turns out he was building a hotrod and was waiting on the "trancemission" to be rebuilt.
Do you know what a coreborerator is?
My first wife's sister was married to a redneck...I mean the true definition of a redneck. Great guy and I swear he could track whitetails by scent.

Anyway, shortly after meeting him the discussion turned to cars. Turns out he was building a hotrod and was waiting on the "trancemission" to be rebuilt.
Remember though. These boys are kin to the Junior Johnson's and the Alabama gang that started Nascar. They might not talk good but they can make anything run and run fast.
Do you know what a coreborerator is?

Remember though. These boys are kin to the Junior Johnson's and the Alabama gang that started Nascar. They might not talk good but they can make anything run and run fast.

Anytime you high cotton boys need need an Interpreter just gimme a shout I speak fluent Redneck...

When the TV show Moonshiners first came out my wife asked why they had subtitles.
Anytime you high cotton boys need need an Interpreter just gimme a shout I speak fluent Redneck...

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Ummm, cuz not everyone is from this foreign country called Ap-pa-latch-ah.
Jesus H Christ, will somebody please shoot me in the face!


Post of the day…maybe the week for me. The situation pisses me off, but it’s truly motivational. Bravo to him for pointing out the obvious. My question is “How did we get to the point where someone like this is seriously being considered for appointment to this office?”

How’s that expression go again? Something like “You Can Vote Your Way Into Socialism, But You Have To Shoot Your Way Out”

Likely hundreds of similar takes out there, but one that stuck out in my mind was a piece by Tom del Beccaro a couple years ago:

…we’re at step 8 and clearly step 9 is well under way. Because it worked so well for Germany after WW1, South Africa, Venezuela, etc.

Plan accordingly.

…and in keeping with the spirit of this thread, remember kids: Don’t let them big Socialist titties fool you!”

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