I know exactly what you mean man. I'm 28 and been leasing my family's place and had my llc since I was 18. The place is never going to support me or a family and with the few big players we have around plus our horrendous state government, a young guy just can't make a go of it here. I worked for a dairy for 7 years and it's my true love. Worked on a grain operation that also did custom work and ran some cattle for 6. Learned all I could, both good and bad, all the while running my own herd of registered Simmentals doing embryo work and growing bulls mostly in the night hours before and after working for the other guys. I finally wised up and went to work as a lineman. Lots better pay and it can support a family now. It also gives me enough time to farm the right way, not just making it work. It's a shame the next generation has such an uphill fight and needs a hell of a lot of luck to boot to make a life from AG. One thing is for sure, you think a dog is happiness at the end of a long day, you have never come home and walked meadow full of mamma cows and their calves. I may not be old enough to offer advise, but I'm gonna. Get a good career and make a life farming around that. You get the benefits of raising a family and continuing the American tradition plus the ability to take care of them the way we all strive to without the full stress load of a life of AG.