Maggie’s Motivational Pic Thread v2.0 - - New Rules - See Post #1

And here we have the GAOW award for 06/01/2022. Cut off was 06:00am ET. All entries thereafter will count towards next week.

62 General Entries, this week. Here are the 15 nominees.

1) jasonprox700 - Up close and Personal

2) jasonprox700 - Your Serve!

3) BarneyBDB - Daisy Dukes that don't quit!

4) Nockhunter - Jesus in the wrong place.... maybe???

5) Nockhunter -Pancakes for breakfast

6) BarneyBDB - A moment's thought

7) Nockhunter - Oh Say, can you see?

8) LegioX - Fresh Cool Down!

9) BarneyBDB - An itch that needs to be scratched!

10) BarneyBDB - polka dot dreams!

11) BarneyBDB - Fun in the sun

12) CaptNemo - Cave Woman!

13) Nockhunter - The Perfect Ponytail

14) BarneyBDB - THat you Kim?

15) BarneyBDB - walk in Fields of Gold

And the Bronze award goes to:

BarneyBDB - poka dot dreams!

Silver Award goes to:

Nockhunter - Pancakes for breakfast

And, the GAOW award for 06/01/2022 goes to:

BarneyBDB - Dasy Dukes that don't quit!

Four Honorable mentions:

======== jasonprox700 - Up close and personal ======================= BarneyBDB - An itch that needs to be scratched! ======

============= BarneyBDB - THat you Kim? ============================ BarneyBDB - A moment's thought ============

Until next week, then!
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My step mother's first husband was a ball turret gunner in WWII. Shot down twice. Once behind enemy lines and rescued by the French Underground. I was just talking to her about this a few months ago to try and keep the history alive. She pulled out his silk map. (I can't remember the term for this. It's on the tip of my tongue and even Google won't help.) It's in great shape and I want it when it's time. He kept a diary and it was amazing. We can't find it now. She also stated that he told her they quit using the turret ball gunner for obvious reasons later in the war. IIRC, he moved to tail gunner.
They were called evasion in the UK. I'll always remember because the tail gunner I knew likened them to the what the characters had to do in "The Great Escape". Could be different for the US, or even for his unit.

With all due respect and appreciation (my daughter is military), those are different - they were/are designed to give to foreign combatants to explain that you are US military and seek their assistance. Essentially surrender to their graces.

The evasion charts were designed to help navigate out of enemy territory without detection.

The OP may have meant the former.
That brings back memories.

I was 16 and on the track team in high school. Our team was pretty small, 6 or 7, if I remember right.

We had an opportunity to go to a meet that was about 10 hours away and took the principal's LTD wagon. I think it was a 1980. After the meet, our coach who had driven us there, asked me if I wanted to drive home. I drove it almost the whole way while he and the rest of the team crashed in the back seats. That car had horrible power. I remember passing a semi and it seemed to take 5 minutes to get around it.