Maggie’s Motivational Pic Thread v2.0 - - New Rules - See Post #1

A little homophobic there AK?

Methinks thou dost protest too much. 🤣
How in the tarnation can that sheath work???
Cross draw from the back, grab the tip of the handle and pull it out some grip the handle and proceed to cut

Edit- ideally you’d grab it with your little finger and start drawing, as the handle comes out you grip it with the rest of your fingers. I sort of got the idea across the first time.
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I asked him some basic questions about shooting so far with that caliber and Carlos responded " I don't know much about that stuff... all I do is pull the trigger" I couldn't help but smile.... He was so laid back. Heck of a guy.
I liked the one when he made the shot on the "Hamburger" with the .50-he said that he technically "missed" that shot. My son now has the shooting mitt that he gave me, I still have the 700 based bore guide, cleaning rod is toast though. Of course I will never forget the AC he gave me, that was bad. I'm still traumatized over the strawberry Quick and sticky bun episode.
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