I don't care about politics.What makes you think it has anything to do with technology and not the politics behind it?
It's the MONEY that the car saves, and, frankly, the fact that the thing is blast to drive. Let alone the fact that Americans made the first practical EV that is now being sold world wide as the top EV...
People seem to be ignoring the facts of the situation for the comfort of "I don't like it." It's ridiculous. Just as much as the politicians in Nazifornia forcing EVs on everyone and not paying attention to the electrical grid requiring upgrades if they want all EVs.
If you want to buy an EV, that's fine, do what works for you. Just stop having the rest of us help pay for it.
You guys didn't pay a single cent for my car. Not even close. I'm not in the starter EV league... and I sure as shit didn't get a dime from either the USG or State for this car. There are NO incentives, no HOV lanes, or anything else where is live.