Went to parochial school 1st through 8th grade, cafeteria and playground segregated by sex, out of sight of each other. Boys marched first, single file into classroom and sat down, eyes forward. Turn your head to look back, at any time, earned you slap across ear/cheek with ruler. Alphabetically seated, I sat in last row next to back wall so never was tempted with a peek.
A 6-8 foot aisle separated the groups.
Girls then came in to sit down. Some were pulled out of line to kneel facing chalkboard. If front of their skirt didn't touch floor then rear of skirt lifted resulting in ruler across back of thigh, often several times. It was the only time I got a quick flash of panty.
Fights on playground put down immediately, discipline came later. I well know the odor of smelling salts and sting of mercurochrome. The slapping sound of a ruler or riding crop still causes me to duck and throw my hands up in self-defense.
You don't know fear until Sister Mary Theresa comes charging across the playground or down the aisle.
If I wanted to see panties they had better be on a clothesline.
You naughty, naughty boys, you're going to hell. Sister Mary Theresa will be waiting to greet you, ruler in hand.