Damocanglang 大漠苍狼 (Wolf Of The High Desert)
Epic Chinese western / neo-western (2016) 34 chapters/episodes.
Set in Lower Mongolia and Xinjiang Province in 1932 in the wake of the first Japanese invasion of northeast China. An officer of the Shanghai Police was court-martialed and terminated after he was found to have disobeyed orders to "hold and stay" when he single-handedly rushed in to save a woman from being raped by armed thugs, killing 2 of the thugs. (Shadows of Parkland and Uvalde there). Finding himself unemployed, drinking heavily, and harboring a new misanthropy and disillusionment with the world, he headed out far west to the Xinjiang and western Mongolian frontier to get away from all of the bullshit. There, he found employment as the captain of the corporate security force of a major Chinese oil company opening wide scale drilling and shale operations in the region. But trouble caught up with him there as well but at this point, he had stopped taking shit from anybody. From a small but capable corporate security force rose a new regional defense frontier ranger regiment taking on both insidious Japanese agents and hired guns from corrupt government entities back in Beijing who are trying to profit off of the petroleum rich region by letting Japanese wartime investors get a free reign of the assets of the region and one company that is standing up against all of them for the sake of protecting what belongs to China.
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Where does that show or stream? It looks interesting.