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Maggie’s Motivational Pic Thread v2.0 - - New Rules - See Post #1

Who said that? I’m just saying he said something the libs love to say. So is it true now? You’re awful defensive about nothing offensive.
the communists griped about it because they committed actual crimes and then bitched about the punishment.

This is an example of political persecution by the communists against Americans.
Truly sad isn’t it. Most of my family is vaxxed and boosted. My wife and I refused, I’ve had Covid twice….still ain’t dead.

I got the rona for the second time when I was TDY out to Commiefornia; one of the CW2s was patient zero, I was patient 1, it spread through a bunch of our team. CW2 fully vaxxed and boosted, I'm still a pure blood, not sure about everyone else that got it; I know patient 4 was fully vaxxed and boosted for certain...he was TDY here for a network exercise and went home early because he had a booster scheduled back home.
We have never had the Chynna Flu. I think mainly because we have never had a test...but we are also just generally healthy. We masked for the first few days back then but then I said fuck that and have not had one on since except for when I was using my orbital sander. We have been taking Ivermectin since the very beginning weekly and if we have been around someone sick, we dose daily. Honestly have not even had a sniffle in over 2 years. No fucking way am I going to get shit injected into me from some fucking mandate, especially when I see the risks involved...both with the injection and not.
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