Owned a 68 f-100 with the 3 on the column. It was wonderful.

Truck would go totally black (Lights out interior and exterior/no headlights) while night driving. Quite without warning. Three on the tree gave it the pulling power of a worn out Volkswagen. Traded it for a large load of hay. Hay turned out bad, nothing would eat it. Fellow who got the truck complained that it burned oil. (Duh, we told you it burned oil, are you DEAF!). Gave the hay away to a fellow in the paving business to put out in the ditches of the roads he was repairing. That was the best part of the entire deal, cleared out room in my barn for good hay.
Next owned a 71 3/4 ton with a 360 and 4speed. Had to wear seat belts when driving or one would get knocked out from your head hitting the steel roof of the cab. Rode that bad, bounced that good. Got rid of the split rims in favor of the popular steel white rims that everyone craved during the 70’s. Possibly the best of our Fords, but a bearing was going bad. Traded it off for an 8N Ford Tractor. Told the fellow about the bearing. Still, he got the better part of the deal. Tractor turned out to be a really bad deal. To get one days work out of it, you had to work ON IT for a day. Nearly killed me. Learned the true value of a roll bar. (A quarter more turn as that tractor was turning over and I would be a grease spot at the tender age of 28.). That would have been wonderful, survived Vietnam; killed by a tractor turning over.
Final Ford was a 81 3/4 ton with the 300 six. Another bad deal. Dealer told more lies than hiden biden. It ran ok, used it for years, spent a fair amount of money upgrading the items that were supposed to be upgraded when we purchased it. Still it was struggling to get over 150,000.
Next purchased a used 1990 1/2 ton Suburban. Pulled boats with it for years. Nice truck. Got almost 300,000 out of it. Next was a used 2000 3/4 ton Suburban in 2008. Got close to 300,000 on it now. Been all over the country in it. No longer our main transportation, but still useful.
Guess if you like Ford trucks, great, enjoy your Ford trucks, I’m sticking with GMC. (And John Deere)