Maggie’s Motivational Pic Thread v2.0 - - New Rules - See Post #1

My GOM pipeline inspection crew 1977, including Paramedic.
All had broke in to the bis in the North Sea breathing mixed gas and spending days in a decompression chamber
Breathing air, live boat, walking pipe in up to 185' the guys were in heaven. Guys were all wildmen, all ex-cons from Pre-Commifornia, some of the best men I have ever had the pleasure working with. Probably few if any, still alive, that deep water shit is tough on ya.
One of the prisons there had a learn a trade program going on and these guys learned Hard Hat Diving.
My GOM pipeline inspection crew 1977, including Paramedic.
All had broke in to the bis in the North Sea breathing mixed gas and spending days in a decompression chamber
Breathing air, live boat, walking pipe in up to 185' the guys were in heaven. Guys were all wildmen, all ex-cons from Pre-Commifornia, some of the best men I have ever had the pleasure working with. Probably few if any, still alive, that deep water shit is tough on ya.
One of the prisons there had a learn a trade program going on and these guys learned Hard Hat Diving.
God Bless you guys. I was a roustabout on a rig off Louisiana mid 70’s. Items were always falling off the rig even when being very careful, and when divers were in the water. At least one falling “thing” was almost the size of a Volkswagen.
Seemed like a lot of the serious accidents involved divers.
Great memories, made a lot of money, great motivation to finish engineering school. Ain’t going back.