I cannot wait to see the first unmanned or manned spacecraft to land on Europa, drill a port through the thinnest portion of it's ice crust, and deploy a robot camera submersible drone to send livefeeds back to Earth. This footage below is from our own oceans. A ghostly Deepstaria jelly shapeshifting and swimming at depths which would crush a military submarine into a tin can. Imagine what the oceans of Europa, kept constantly warm by the titanic tidal forces of Jupiter's gravitational pull right next to it, could have produced through eons of complex biochemistry.
And the Europan sky would be no less impressive. As this hypothetical future spacecraft touches down on it's surface and points a camera upward, it will capture the blinding Van Allen ion belts from Jupiter's huge electromagnetic field spanning across the Europan horizon, made up of charged particles at voltages and currents that would slag a small asteroid upon contact...