Maggie’s Motivational Pic Thread v2.0 - - New Rules - See Post #1

Again, WTF? Did they break the goat’s legs first? Why was it just laying there?

Fuck…. it was still alive as it was swallowed whole. Damn, nature’s a bitch.

Guess it’s entertainment in some parts.
(plagiarized) Maybe the animal was sedated for the video. However, a Komodo Dragon serrated teeth makes it easy for bits of rotten flesh to get caught in the reptile’s mouth, turning their saliva into a mini-habitat for harmful bacteria that can cause untreated bite wounds to become septic. Researchers have also documented a venom gland in the dragon's lower jaw. This venom prevents their prey’s blood from clotting, which causes massive blood loss and induces shock. Even larger prey animals like water buffaloes may succumb to their wounds after escaping an initial attack—although it may take days for that to happen. After delivering a venomous bite, Komodo dragons rely on their acute sense of smell to track down their wounded prey. The venom causes the prey to weaken and slow down, making it easier for the Komodo dragon to locate and finish off its meal.
That was the 80's, early 90's LGS business model. Private FFL holders were far scarcer, and were treated like royalty. A shotgun News, and later, The Gun List, private FFL, saving 50 bucks on 400 dollar shit guns was real, long before al gore invented the web.
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Amazed more 462s didn’t kill themselves Just being around the system. Those guys could screw up a tideschedule.

BTW, what are you plans now that JTC closed.
I started off as a 423x3, then they restructured and I became a 454x3.
Same job, different number.

462 was POL? I don't remember?

Stuff is happening behind the scenes for a new range nearby. That's all I can say for the time being.
I do have a 100 yd range 8 minutes away. I should probably use that for the time being.
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