My father in law is a coin maniac
He’s been saving coins for years, looking for special ones etc
1. He always liked coins as a kid
2. When the bank’s collapse and things like that
He’s not a prepper type but he always said I can always buy something with a roll of quarters etc
I’ve busted his chops for years
Fast forward 10 years of marriage at the time and we had a pretty rough hurricane that knocked out power for over a week.
It wasn’t mad max but it was a pain in the ass, gas lines if the truck showed up then they were empty again and you waited for 2 hours for nothing etc
I totally forgot but apparently He was all excited to go buy something with “coins” because credit cards were a no go
He went to the local 7-11 or something like that and tried paying 20$ (some small amount not 500$) and the guy told him cash only

He didn’t want me to find out , but mother in law slipped you saw his whole demeanor change that second.
I didn’t kill him but I crushed him for 10 years of being a dick
Well worth the drama of hurricane