Nope, everything you said is wrong.
You blame EVERYTHING on someone else.
I'm not your average boomer. Born in 64, not really a boomer, I grew up more of a gen z. My folks didn't have a lot of money, I was a latch key kid.
Mom got a job when I was in 3rd grade, that's when my folks could afford to buy their first home. They had one car up until then, a 1968 Plymouth satellite with over 100k on it. Mom drove thatand dad got an old Datsun pickup.
Wife and bought our first home in 90, the thing was 47 years old. I drove a pos 72 bug, my wife drove a shitty 3 cylinder geo metro. No cable tv too expensive, paid off my own student loans. No guns besides a 10-22 and a remington 788 22-250 that my grandpa gave me. No toys, no extra anything. We scraped by, my wife and I kept working at it and slowly started getting ahead. Took years.
I see so many people complaining about EVERYTHING, and have no one to blame but themselves. I see them with a new phone every year, cable tv with all the channels, nice car, crazy expensive toys, pumpkin spice latte every morning et al.
But it's all someone else's fault.
Give me a break.
Rulz to keep Dirty D from launching his attacks.
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