Maggie’s Motivational Pic Thread v2.0 - - New Rules - See Post #1


My parents were born in 46, I was born in 64 and I was the last year of the boomers. I personally have never owned a home. I do not blame others for the poor decisions I have made to not buy a home. It was purely my own fuck up and I have been paying the price ever since. I am not jealous of people that made wiser decisions in life and have prospered and have faired well. They worked hard and made sound choices in life, my hats off to them they deserve it period. Yea I think it’s funny how people always want to blame others for there own poor choices.
early boomer-'46. 1st job '62 summer doing Ag labor. the expectation of all parents in my world at that time is that you WOULD get a job during summer vacation. they were always low end jobs min wage. that was $1/hr back then. was $1.25 next summer. i worked with 5 "grown ups". 3 black guys in their mid 20s,1 black guy maybe mid 50s and 1 old white guy looked mid 60s. anyone > 30 was "old" to a 16 yo. don't tell me americans won't or can't do very low level jobs,they will. all this wetback labor need is BS. end socialist interference in the economy and they won't be needed.
yes,inflation has destroyed any hope of a decent life for many. $10-15/hr min wage would be necessary for living on a entry level job if our false gov generated inflation were eliminated. my first job as an RN was about $5/hr. my rent was $125/mo. now they start at $30ish and rents are $1500+. WTF? most of us can see how that happened and thanks go to our left wing corrupt politicians.
I was born in 1956.....graduated HS and started running heavy equipment (Operating Engineers), but decided that wasn't a career move. Started a career, got married, looked at houses and was amazed at the $$$ for what we were getting. SO, I decided to build my own house, figuring I could get twice, or triple the house, for the same amount of $$$. Found some property, designed and drew the blue prints up, and started building. Remember, I was working 40-50 hrs/week AND building a house on my weekends. Decided to save $$$ by building the garage first and setting it up like a studio....we lived in that 3+ yrs while I finished the 1st floor. We moved into the house (1st floor) while I finished the 2nd floor. 2150 sq. ft, split level....I did everything but the sheetrock/texturing and the cabinets. Got it totally finished 7 yrs later. The reason for this story? AFTER I finished the house, several guys I worked with commented on how nice it was to 'have money' to afford something like what I was living in, conveniently forgetting I BUILT it! Told them to go fuck themselves. They said I was an asshole! No one decided to do it my way.....they just wanted to bellyache, bitch, moan, whine, complain about NOT having what I had.

My point.....
There will always be "those guy's". It will always be about your nice truck, boat, rifle, fishing rod, etc.
Never become "those guy's".... It shows class.
cooper barrett said:
I made more then that stocking grocery shelves
$10.06 x 40 X 52 = 20K+ not including holiday, overtime, or overnight differential. bonuses. And that was while I was in collage (1975-79}. I made about $9 while in high school. I took home more than my high school counselors wiho had masters degrees.

I have to throw the challenge flag on this one. Who paid 5X the minimum wage to stock groceries in the mid-70's? Minimum wage was $2.10 in '73 and $2.90 in '79. Did your dad own the store?
You know it's bullshit. I know it's bullshit. Economics says it's bullshit. We all know that it is bullshit. But it's his fantasy world and he can live it however he wants.
The local down syndrome boy is making more than people with masters degrees for stocking the shelves. Wouldn't that have everyone in town standing in line for the job? Which would drive down the hourly rate because you have an excess of labor.
I’ve blocked just a couple window lickers that can’t take a hint from our resident sommelier of cellulite @Dirty D

The irony is that these soulless muppets lack any self-awareness to consider they’ve earned a spot on my very short shit list. In other words, if you think i may have blocked you: congrats, you’re not.
I can't read what your typing, I blocked you.