Maggie’s Motivational Pic Thread v2.0 - - New Rules - See Post #1

Yeah…living in Fargo ND taught me that no one knows wtf the weather is going to do 100% of the time. I’ve read that pure temperature forecasting has become quite accurate, but cloud cover, wind, rain, hail, snow, storms, etc?

Wrong all of the time in the Midwest USA, even only 12 hrs out.

It’s like Siegfried & Roy and their lion. Or scuba weirdos with sharks or stingrays…you might be right a certain percentage of the time…but…roll the dice long enough and💥☠️

And an F5 tornado is quite the lion.
When one of these bastards shows up in your town it ain’t good.

WTF. Waste of a classic.
Exactly. I normally give weird shit a pass if it’s well executed, because at least the person doing it is clearly passionate about their hobby, and frankly, more people getting into cars, trucks, bikes, or whatever is a good thing for the motorsports culture. I don’t care if you’re building a crazy looking drift car, or a Pre-runner truck, or low rider, have fun with it.

But yeah, that’s a fucking abortion…and a waste. To each their own I guess.

OT: She seems almost too perfect…AI, or maybe just some very well done photoshop. Regardless, Happy Red Friday everyone!
