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Maggie’s Motivational Pic Thread v2.0 - - New Rules - See Post #1

Damn cats....
Black kitten discovered the fireplace during this cold snap


And The Shitten continues to hunt him down at every turn, to give him her look of disdain:

This happens in those self storage places all of the time. The thieves will rent one space and cut into all of the other ones. People only visit those every once in a while so the thieves are long gone before it is discovered.
Years ago we had a storage unit for our business. We had put up 3/4" plywood on the walls for shelving. Thieves broke into every storage unit on that block of units and ransacked them, except ours, by breaking through the walls. The cops initially thought we had something to do with it as ours was the only untouched unit, until they saw the shelving. The owner tried to evict us because we "modified the unit". We told him to kiss our ass, and we would sue him for inadequate security if he did. He quickly backed off.

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Was the tabby a stray? Their left ear looks cropped.
Yep, the two females are stray/feral rescues. Meow Meow, the Tortoise cat occasionally hung out in the garage at our old house


She was hiding in there one day after getting attacked by something…we think an owl. We got her fixed up, and after they fixed her, and clipped her left ear to indicate that she was fixed, she was released back into a feral cat colony a couple miles from our house. She showed back up a couple weeks later, pissed off and “talking” to us about how she was there to stay!

We eventually moved her into the house, and she’s become my little snuggle buddy:


The white and gray tabby was found in our back yard by one of our border collies…tiny kitten, eyes barely open, and clearly not yet weaned. We later found 3 dead kittens in the field behind our house; she was the survivor.

We had no idea what to do with a tiny kitten, but luckily found a neighbor whose cat just had a litter of kittens and that momma cat allowed our little foundling to nurse, taught her to use the litter box, etc. We got her back about a month later, and she rules the roost around here now.


Follows my wife around like a puppy dog when she’s not being a complete dork! 😆


They actually get along pretty well…


But she defers to the Torty when the neighbor’s semi-feral Tom comes around looking for second breakfast!


The black kitten is our daughter’s cat…home from college with her for the Christmas break

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The most badass thing on the Internet from the past week...

1. That MG42(or MG3) fits this guy exactly size-wise as a regular AR-15 would be to most other shooters.

2. In hypothetical combat, I don't know if it would be scarier to face him when he's got a full belt in that gun, or when he's out of ammo... Cuz you KNOW he'll be using that thing as a war club in the latter situation and that would pretty much be a one swing one enemy kill, every swing. :ROFLMAO:

The machine gunner who walked behind me (I was last guy in CP, he was first guy in MG team, followed by two AG’s etc), was about the nicest man I ever met. 20 yo, light brown AA, absolutely huge. Not all gym cut, just a big farm boy from Nawf Carolinah, probably never had shoes until he got to Basic. He carried the M60 by the pistol grip, with the butt-stock tucked into the crook of his elbow. Valerian Teal. Wore a green towel and no shirt, OD jungle fatigue pants with a hole in one knee. Absolute pee-bringer on that gun, and survived to die at home surrounded by his family in his mid 60’s. I will look for a photo. C, 1/327in, 101 airborne, 68/69.
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