In HS driver's ed the teacher always said,Sounds like a case of piss poor engineering.
There's this thing with driving called right of way.
A driver is not required to yield to someone cutting across their path if they have right of way.
Too many drivers think their path is the only path and anyone else in the road has to yield to them.
It doesn't work that way.
Piss poor engineering by people that don't actually drive is a huge part of every day accidents and confusion on the road. Add in cell phone use, inattentiveness and just poor driving skills, all play a part in daily accidents.
All you have to do is look at these retarded criss cross intersections. It's clear that a non-driver designed them. People get used to them, but they suck for traffic control.
"Right of way is something you can yield, never something U have."
But then he was also the gym teacher.