Yea, I abandoned SA years ago. You have to remember how much of the user base is Cali.Trolls overwhelm other sites. I think they don’t know what to think (literally conservative or liberal) but they just like to see the fur fly. I suppose if one wants to see true liberalism, head over to I have to tip toe around those folks and in times like these, as much as I like to sail and talk sailing, I don’t go there very often. Those folks are true republican and conservative haters when not discussing sailing. Not in the troll sense, just don’t like us.
Just so y’all will know, I started sailing before I can remember, didn’t start shooting until the worn out old age of 5 years (60 months if you’re really counting) 71 years of shooting and I still don’t know 99% of what there is to learn.
Yea, I bike and I sail. Bite me.