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Maggie’s Motivational Pic Thread v2.0 - - New Rules - See Post #1

A friend of mine committed suicide and we all thought it was a strange way of doing it. However after looking up the technique, it's a very common method for suicide. It's called a suicide tent or exit bag. Buy a party tank of helium used for filling balloons. Cover your head with plastic and pipe in the helium. Loosely tie the bag around your neck, so not too much oxygen gets in. You're dead before you know it. Die without pain. You just go to sleep and never wake up.

I don't know why they can't use something like that.
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Don't want to burn at the stake? Dont rape and murder. Math is easy. Sodomayor can take her bleeding heart crap and stick it. A family lost a daughter and this monster... Was brought to justice. Injection while knocked out... Is not cruel and unusual. Getting raped and murdered is. Burn in hell perp.

Can’t agree more. Quick and humane should never even enter the debate. Fuck that he should suffer over and over and beg to be killed to stop it then just for spite do some more before allowed to exit this world. And even then I don’t feel hat is equal to the horror he inflicted. It’s not about being civilized it’s about being weak and not taking a hard stand. Simple, you rape and kill you get tortured and killed.
Fuck this “painless death” bullshit

If you are sentenced to death... it should be painful as fuck....feed these assholes into a wood chipper feet first

That’s not “cruel and unusual”

It’s not cruel because it matches the level of cruelty they showed their victims......

Burning someone for not paying their taxes.... that’s cruel.

Painfully killing a child rapist.... that is not cruel
And do it in the public square and on pay per view, proceeds to victims' families.
No, do it at Madison Square Gardens, sell tickets, sell raffle tickets and the winner gets to pull the switch, plus pay-per-view and give the money to the victim's family. Then make the perps family pay for the gas, rope, ammo, tree chipper rental, for which ever method is used.
A friend of mine committed suicide and we all thought it was a strange way of doing it. However after looking up the technique, it's a very common method for suicide. It's called a suicide tent or exit bag. Buy a party tank of helium used for filling balloons. Cover your head with plastic and pipe in the helium. Loosely tie the bag around your neck, so not too much oxygen gets in. You're dead before you know it. Die without pain. You just go to sleep and never wake up.

I don't know why they can't use something like that.
There’s a helium shortage. Killing people this way is environmentally irresponsible. Probably worse than the biohazard result of the public wood chipping. Which should be renamed for the sake of politics to something like molecular reorganization.
No, do it at Madison Square Gardens, sell tickets, sell raffle tickets and the winner gets to pull the switch, plus pay-per-view and give the money to the victim's family. Then make the perps family pay for the gas, rope, ammo, tree chipper rental, for which ever method is used.

I like it! American Idol styled voting determines the gruesome method used. More revenues for the victims!
Nitrogen isn’t corrosive and clean up can be safe and easy. Death is instant. Like on tv when the reaper touches someone. Saw it once, was the damndest thing.
I wonder if Nitrous Oxide would work? I cant think of a better way to send some asshole out, by watching them start to laugh as they breathe it in, knowing they cant stop laughing, cant stop dying...
I wonder if Nitrous Oxide would work? I cant think of a better way to send some asshole out, by watching them start to laugh as they breathe it in, knowing they cant stop laughing, cant stop dying...
Will kill the brain via oxygen depletion. People in clinics get high w it and sometimes pass out with the mask on. The mask doesn’t fall off and they die.
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While we sit and discuss how to better execute someone, Love is in the air
A friend of mine committed suicide and we all thought it was a strange way of doing it. However after looking up the technique, it's a very common method for suicide. It's called a suicide tent or exit bag. Buy a party tank of helium used for filling balloons. Cover your head with plastic and pipe in the helium. Loosely tie the bag around your neck, so not too much oxygen gets in. You're dead before you know it. Die without pain. You just go to sleep and never wake up.

I don't know why they can't use something like that.

Nah, you can't really use the type of helium you would get from a party supply store because that type actually contains O2 as a safety precaution to prevent people from inhaling too much of it while enjoying the goofy voice it gives you. What you want is the industrial kind you would find at like a welding supply warehouse. That's where you get the pure shit.
Fuck this “painless death” bullshit

If you are sentenced to death... it should be painful as fuck....feed these assholes into a wood chipper feet first

That’s not “cruel and unusual”

It’s not cruel because it matches the level of cruelty they showed their victims......

Burning someone for not paying their taxes.... that’s cruel.

Painfully killing a child rapist.... that is not cruel

My memory sucks so bear with me. Somebody wrote a book, I think it was Tom Clancy. In that book, was a doctor who'd lost a brother in 9/11 and he wanted to "do his part" so he came up with a med cocktail that induced a heart attack. Or at least, induced heart attack symptoms. (I hear that is very painful, and NO, I've no interest in learning this myself)

The "end the symptom process and 'bring him back' process" was described to be "not pleasant" either. The point of it all, was after a number of controlled cycles of this process, the 'patient' would learn explicitly that this was totally under the control of the applicator. So questions could be asked, and if the answers weren't the correct ones, or if answers were evaded,,,, go for another ride.

How many rides could a person endure?

The point of my blathering is, if such are/were actually possible, then this too sounds like a VIABLE and MONEY-MAKING venture for both the victim and/or the victim's families. Because as suggested by others, tickets could be purchased for spectating, as well as raffle-tickets could be sold for being one of the 'ride controllers'.... even if it were the symbolic "push this button to start the next round" type of thing.

Many here will remember that I've said for years that chain-gangs should be brought back. There is so much road maintenance, civic cleaning, and simple gravel demand that many of the districts costs should be cut exponentially. Which-in-turn is a MASSIVE tax cut to the districts constituents. Who really wants to pay 3.7 million dollars for a 4 mile stretch of road? That shit is just ludicrous today, especially with a crew of only 20-30 in total. Get two separate chain-gangs with picks, shovels, and sledge-hammers of say 200 each,,, working 12 hour shifts.... and the road will get built.

Anyone wants to think of "Custer" type uprisings will learn real fast that NOT being unchained from the dead body beside you, until the end of shift.... is NOT the armed guards problem.

I have NO compassion for most criminals, and definitely have no regards whatsoever for heinous criminals.... And we haven't even broached the topic of a perfectly viable organ donor group. And 1J can spread the word, that anyone who brings drugs into the prison (to keep the organs clean and viable) will instantly be a 'registered guest' of said facility. Do not pass GO, or any bullshit appeals. I'm sure he'd agree that any guard "aid'n an' abett'n" the sanctity of incarceration isn't worthy of consideration.

That's my piece, I've said my bit..... do with it what you will. I will help out to the best of my abilities, practically anybody who asks/needs assistance. The opposite is true for heinous abusers of civility.

No grey areas.
Oh man, I don't know if I can get over it. I may have to start a GoFundMe to raise enough money to buy a wet/dry vac to clean up the gallons of SJW emo tears I am currently shedding over this tragic loss.
Well then I guess that you should find a more absorbent brand of diapers, you’re welcome.
Nah, you can't really use the type of helium you would get from a party supply store because that type actually contains O2 as a safety precaution to prevent people from inhaling too much of it while enjoying the goofy voice it gives you. What you want is the industrial kind you would find at like a welding supply warehouse. That's where you get the pure shit.

That is more expensive than the normal 25 welding gas - CO2/Argon. Why punish the tax payers?
I say we take the child rapist out on a pontoon boat cruise to feed the local shark population.
Lots of chum in the water to bring in the bull sharks and maybe even the hammer heads.
Start up the wood chipper.(yeah, we loaded one on board)
Fit him for a blood soaked life preserver.
Ironic, isn't it?

Lift him up and run his legs in until half of his knee caps are gone.
Install tourniquets on the thighs so he doesn't bleed out.
Carry him up to the slide. (Did I mention this is the old party barge?)
Set him on top and let him slide down into the shark fest, head first.
Note that the "life preserver" brings his head above water so that we can see the bastards pain and suffering.

Crack a beer and enjoy the show.
I've seen this happen to a 100+ pound tarpon and it's brutal.
Don't want to burn at the stake? Dont rape and murder. Math is easy. Sodomayor can take her bleeding heart crap and stick it. A family lost a daughter and this monster... Was brought to justice. Injection while knocked out... Is not cruel and unusual. Getting raped and murdered is. Burn in hell perp.

Actually it goes " If you can't do the time, don't do the crime, don't do it!"