Maggie’s Motivational Pic Thread v2.0 - - New Rules - See Post #1

Studying the writings and interviews with those that survived both National Socialist run and Soviet Communist run concentration camps / work camps / gulags is very worthwhile.

For those showing the younger set about it for the first time, I'd highly recommend Vicktor Frankl's "Man's Search for Meaning".
It's a non sensationalized, irrefutable look at life in the work camps run by the National Socialists.

On the Jewish side alone, if you study the actual history, of before, during and after the WWII time & the near global hate they faced at the time, you'll probably wind up a fervent Zionist with a passion for always being armed down to the last man, woman and child.

Damn, that brings back memories. About '75, we were camping at a cool spot in southern Illinois called Lusk Creek. It's a sandstone canyon with a small creek that, at the time, was a great place to explore around, drink beer at night around the campfire, etc. So one morning, we were scrambling around to the west of the red dot in the picture when we hear a bunch of shooting, so we went into stealth mode and approached slowly. At a clearing, a dude from Chicago had just put a slug into a heifer. It broke his heart when I told him that heifer wasn't a deer.

Maybe people from Chi town should be regulated on gun purchases?

Lusk Crk.png
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