Maggie’s Motivational Pic Thread v2.0 - - New Rules - See Post #1


Possible Explanation
99% of Millennials are lazy, worthless pieces of garbage who were raised to believe that they are entitled to everything without having to compete or work for it.

Just thought I'd fix that last pie chart graphic. I am completely unsurprised that they embrace a political system that punishes success and rewards their laziness and incompetence.
A lot of people out there fail to realize how dangerous being a correctional officer is also...You are always in close quarters, outnumbered and surrounded by dirtbags...some of them total animals serving life who got absolutely nothing to live for. A baton, can of pepper spray, and a plastic shield being the only things keeping you from being ripped apart by them.

Stay vigilant. Stay safe. Stay alive.

Couldn't agree more. This is why i promoted to Sergeant and do everything in my power to make sure my Officers walk out after their 8 hours.
If Trump were "like" Hitler all of the Democrats would have been killed shortly after his inauguration... I dont think they realize that. Them still being alive=Trump is not "like" Hitler.
Don't forget the concentration camps. If he were like Hitler, there would be concentration camps for all the illegal & criminal aliens in our country.
That's all good and fine. Just don't forget to grease your balls.
Yes. I do that as I don't like the felt wads. My favorite go-to grease is the T/C Bore Butter AKA 1000 plus lubricant.

It's not only good for patched round balls & minie balls in a rifle it keeps the fouling soft where the face of the cylinder meets the back of the barrel. Without it, I've had difficulty cocking the hammer back as there is too much hard fouling preventing the cylinder from turning.

For almost 40 years, I have been using white lithium grease on the threads of the nipples as well as the arbor on the Colt revolvers, cylinder pin on the Remingtons and the shotgun barrel of the LeMat. The white lithium grease prevents stuck nipples and prevents fouling from seizing up the aforementioned areas.

I have read, recently, on other forums that some cap & ball shooters have resorted to using white lithium grease to cover the balls in the chambers of the revolver. I tried it the last time I shot and by gosh it works like a charm! It's also cheaper than the T/C Bore Butter.

It worked so well that I may try it on the Minie balls in my Enfield rifle.
Possible Explanation
99% of Millennials are lazy, worthless pieces of garbage who were raised to believe that they are entitled to everything without having to compete or work for it.

Just thought I'd fix that last pie chart graphic. I am completely unsurprised that they embrace a political system that punishes success and rewards their laziness and incompetence.
I agree, the majority of millennials are worthless. On the other hand, I've met quite a few in my line of work that have really impressed me.

The rest were the result of the foreskins from hippies that were planted in marijuana gardens, which grew up to be millennial communists & ANTIFAs.
Yes. I do that as I don't like the felt wads. My favorite go-to grease is the T/C Bore Butter AKA 1000 plus lubricant.

It's not only good for patched round balls & minie balls in a rifle it keeps the fouling soft where the face of the cylinder meets the back of the barrel. Without it, I've had difficulty cocking the hammer back as there is too much hard fouling preventing the cylinder from turning.

For almost 40 years, I have been using white lithium grease on the threads of the nipples as well as the arbor on the Colt revolvers, cylinder pin on the Remingtons and the shotgun barrel of the LeMat. The white lithium grease prevents stuck nipples and prevents fouling from seizing up the aforementioned areas.

I have read, recently, on other forums that some cap & ball shooters have resorted to using white lithium grease to cover the balls in the chambers of the revolver. I tried it the last time I shot and by gosh it works like a charm! It's also cheaper than the T/C Bore Butter.

It worked so well that I may try it on the Minie balls in my Enfield rifle.

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What is the story on that Herter's press with the humongous cheater bar?
Every now and then I do things like .416 Taylor, .458 magnum, even some .300 win mag and a long bar is simply nice! Herters press is massive. When I restored it, I simply welded on an arm that will press anything! Also saves me from having to convert my dedicated BMG press which is out of the screen and further down the bench. Cheers, Sirhr

Ps old presses are dirt cheap. Easy to restore. And can be set up as dedicated bullet Swagers, aps primer stations, load development, etc. $20 can get a used single stage on eBay or at a gun show. Can never have too many single stage presses if you have the bench space.
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If I were going to get a sdb, I'd try to find one used with the dies I'd need. Your current dies won't work with a sdb.

Back to motivational:

This is what I did... bought two here on the ‘Hide for short $$$ and both came with several sets of dies. The PX is your friend
I agree, the majority of millennials are worthless. On the other hand, I've met quite a few in my line of work that have really impressed me.

The rest were the result of the foreskins from hippies that were planted in marijuana gardens, which grew up to be millennial communists & ANTIFAs.
I’ve had to train them, both in the military and at real jobs. The problem is that they know nothing, but think that they are smart and inherently cool. They can learn and even become men. It just takes more work being that thier dads never bothered.
A man get stopped by a game warden with his basket full of fish.

Warden: do you have a permit for all these fish?
Man: no sir. These are all my pet fish.
Warden: your pet fish? How's that?
Man: well, every night I take all my pet fish for a walk to the lake, I let them swim for about half hour and then I whistle and they all come back and jump in my basket and we go home. We do this every night.
Warden: Well that's just a crock of lies!!
Man: here I'll show you... (Releases the fish in the lake)
Warden: well this I got to see!!
5 minutes later...
Warden: well??
Man: what?
Warden: the fish!! Where's your pet fish??
Man: what fish??


I have one of the Navy Arms LeMat revolver. It's a fantastic cap & ball revolver and fun to shoot.

When I first got it, the loading lever kept bending after loading two or three rounds. I sent it back to Navy Arms and they repaired it.

Keep in mind that I was not stranger to black powder shooting and cap & ball revolvers. The instructions and all the reviewers of the Navy Arms LeMat said to use the .451 round ball.

So after I got the revolver repaired for the 2nd time I decided to mic the chambers. Each one was a .444" chamber. That meant that the .451 round ball was not the usual .003" over sized projectile but .007".

It's no wonder the loading lever was bending. Keep in mind that the loading lever is just a steel sleeve which also holds the ramrod for the shotgun barrel. So it's not as strong as a solid lever like the Remington or Colt revolvers.

So I started shooting the .445" round balls and have not had a problem since then.

I say all this to let everyone know that if they get a LeMat revolver they should mic the chambers and get a round ball that is not too over sized. This also makes me wonder if those gun writers who reviewed the revolver ever shot the darn thing.

I completed a build on one of these once. Back in 2008. Somebody on another gun board had just a Navy model (pin-type barrel release) frame and the barrel assembly but didn't quite know how to proceed from there.

I took him up on his task and offered to "take a look at it". Receiver had the basic action parts already installed. Those who know how the LeMat works will know that it's function is a bit different from other revolvers. At the rear of the cylinder a pin locks the assembly for firing via a piston controlled by a stud on the hammer. I got the piston bolt to advance and receed properly upon moving the hammer, but the gun still does not have a cylinder. I got a spare cylinder from Taylor's Firearms that had no bolt holes drilled into the back face yet...made my next task A LOT easier. The cylinder is made from a slightly softer metal than the locking pin, so I simply installed it, and cycled the action 9 times.

When I removed the cylinder, there was a slightly depressed imprint behind each chamber that corresponded with the proper locking position. Had to proceed with utmost caution for the final bit. Held the cylinder in a clamp with the jaws wrapped in towel. Then used a Dremel drill tip and CAREFULLY machined out the bolt holes about 1.5mm deep and no wider than the original imprint left by the bolt. There is no margin of error allowed in this. One fuck up and the cylinder is bust.

Did a final fitting to make sure the function was perfect. It was GTG. Cylinder locked on each cycling, chamber and barrel lined up. Nothing wiggled. Nothing rattled. With just the cost of the new cylinder and the labor of the project (I even took up the S&H), it was a win for everybody. It was the second black powder build that I done for someone. The first was an Uberti 1851 that had timing issues and needed brand new plumbing in the whole action.

NOTE: I was reading that some folks have an issue with finding the correct bullets for these revolvers. I always load my 1858 cylinders OUTSIDE the gun, on a homemade press. Load em' just like cartridges on a tabletop rig. That way I can use slightly oversized bullets to ensure a good chamber seal. Remember, you have to have a ring of lead shaved off from each chamber after loading to know that the projectile is properly seated. My 1858 chambers will fit a .451 ball with 2-fingers on the gun's loading lever. I normally load with .454 when I am shooting in cap and ball mode. Also if you are shooting an open-top design like the Colt, it is better to load the cylinder outside the gun because all that pressure on the loading lever will eventually cause the cylinder basepin to pull out and loosen. That is gonna fuck up the barrel wedge alignment too. Of course it is no great trick to tighten everything up again, but we rather not deal with the additional headache in the first place right?

Okay, back to motivational. And for this one I am actually going to post a pussy pic...

Wait for it...

Here it is:


Image courtesy of fellow Three Percenter Oleg Volk.
I’ve had to train them, both in the military and at real jobs. The problem is that they know nothing, but think that they are smart and inherently cool. They can learn and even become men. It just takes more work being that thier dads never bothered.
I agree with you. The problem is that real men are powerless to train their kids to grow up to be real men and real women. The women have taken over the judicial system and there are a lot of pussy male judges in divorce courts that prevent fathers from raising their children properly.

I've seen this first hand. Boys are being taught that being a fudge-packer is the hip & cool thing. Girls are taught that if a boy is attracted to you then he's a stalker, a woman hater and a racist. Calling anyone that disagrees with them a "racist," is also the hip & cool thing to do.

I hate to take what looks like a detour on this discussion but let's talk about the sinking of the Titanic. Put yourself back in time to 1912. That was also the time that the suffragette (women's rights) movement was in full swing.

What the suffragettes' wanted at the time seemed pretty radical for both men and women. They wanted full equality. The sinking of the Titanic was not lost on people on both sides of the suffragette movement.

A total of 1515 people died when the Titanic went down. Here is the breakdown of people that died during that tragedy:

Men ------ 1349 dead or 89.0 %
Women --- 110 dead or 7.3 %
Children ---- 56 dead or 3.7 %

Look at those figures again and let that sink in. A LOT of men gave up their seats in the life boats so that a LOT of women and children could live.

The often quoted statement of the day was; "They want their rights on land but demand their privileges at sea." That very salient point has been lost in history.

The next time you talk to some bitch femi-nazi ask her over and over again if she thinks that everything should be equal everywhere for all men and women regardless of age. Keep asking that question and try to rephrase the question just to make sure you get a consistent answer from them.

Then give them a ship sinking but not enough life boats scenario. Ask them if all the passengers evacuating the ship should be treated equally.

About this time, the femi-nazi will look like Ocasio-Cortez trying to comprehend economics or the constitution. You may get a "what do you mean?"

Keep asking the question if all men and women evacuating the ship should be treated equally; regardless of age. When you do that, they will probably start to call you a sexist and cry rape. NOTE: make sure you have your camera phone on or have plenty of witnesses cause the femi-nazi is going to get really pissed and try to get you thrown in jail.

You will have to explain to the femi-nazi and the witnesses that if all men and women are to be treated equally then that means that everyone lines up according to age. So if the 29 year-old Ocasio-Cortez is on the ship she gets behind all the teenage boys. In the femi-nazi's world view, it should not matter if a 49-year-old woman doesn't know how to swim. She gets put in the line behind the teenage boys who are on the swim team.

Sorry to rant but too many women have turned men into geldings. And they have used the legislatures and courts to do it. That's one reason that most millennials are worthless POS.
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This will motivate folks to clean out that attic. To paraphrase. AJ... load more ammo!View attachment 6998640
Nice to see at least one Lee press. Grew Up watching dad use a "lee loader" for his 270. When I got into reloading years ago dad suggested Lee products.
I bought a single stage press at first. Before I got a progressive I did 3500 .357 magnum on it. So the handle has been pulled at least 12,000 times. I retired it 20 years ago. (use the press you have for single stage work now). I have 2 Lee Load-masters and by the sounds of the numbers you and a couple others are putting out I can keep up. They do take some "tuning" and I don't mind tinkering. 120 rds in 9 min, and then time to reload supplies.
I have always been a little different, never owned a remington, never owned a glock, I like Fords all my friends liked Chevys growing up (now they seem to all drive Fords or Toyotas, wonder why :):)).
Anyway very nice set up, I have watched you put it together in the other thread.
Yes. I do that as I don't like the felt wads. My favorite go-to grease is the T/C Bore Butter AKA 1000 plus lubricant.

It's not only good for patched round balls & minie balls in a rifle it keeps the fouling soft where the face of the cylinder meets the back of the barrel. Without it, I've had difficulty cocking the hammer back as there is too much hard fouling preventing the cylinder from turning.

For almost 40 years, I have been using white lithium grease on the threads of the nipples as well as the arbor on the Colt revolvers, cylinder pin on the Remingtons and the shotgun barrel of the LeMat. The white lithium grease prevents stuck nipples and prevents fouling from seizing up the aforementioned areas.

I have read, recently, on other forums that some cap & ball shooters have resorted to using white lithium grease to cover the balls in the chambers of the revolver. I tried it the last time I shot and by gosh it works like a charm! It's also cheaper than the T/C Bore Butter.

It worked so well that I may try it on the Minie balls in my Enfield rifle.

Yes ya read it right man. Lubricants. Balls. Ramrods. Nipples. Half cocks and full cocks.

The shooting sports are already filled with innuendos. Black powder shooters DOMINATE that field. Yes I said dominate.
And to add; Blackpowder firearms have been around longer than smokeless powder firearms:cool:
And to add; Blackpowder firearms have been around longer than smokeless powder firearms:cool:

And many of the designs perfected during the late black powder age are still used today.

.22 LR
.38 Special
.44 Special
.45 Schofield
.45 LC
.44-40 Centerfire
.45-70 Gov't

All of those are black powder designs. Some of them continued to evolve. .357 Mag. .44 Mag. .454 Casull. .475 Linebaugh. Any straight-walled wheelgun cartridge directly evolved from or was an original black powder cartridge. If SHTF and for some reason you cannot get smokeless, you can run all of your .357's and .44's off of BP. You can even run 9mm and .45 ACP and other straight wall autoloader cases on BP. I have done that before. Just make sure you thoroughly clean your guns afterward.

I tell serious preppers and woodsmen out there to invest in straight-case guns because of that reason.
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Men ------ 1349 dead or 89.0 %
Women --- 110 dead or 7.3 %

Look at those figures again and let that sink in. A LOT of men gave up their seats in the life boats so that a LOT of women and children could live.

Nah, those men just chose the tranqulity of a watery grave over the possibility of bobbing around the North Atlantic for hours to days aboard a cramped lifeboat with the wife.