Maggie’s Motivational Pic Thread v2.0 - - New Rules - See Post #1

Sometimes my dark humor and nerdiness gets lost in the shuffle, and is confused with blatant assholery. I must appologize for this intellectual humor, as it's like pussy, not everyone gets it.

So in an effort to shed some light on my mad hatter demeanor, I offer this scienteriffic link:

"Finally, the issue of strength is similar to what we just discussed for legs; the strength of muscle depends on its cross-sectional area, whilst body weight is proportional to volume. Thus a small animal can lift many more times its own body weight than a large animal, because as the size of an animal increases, its muscle strength increases by length2, but its body weight increases by length3."

The real question is can we get her super strong? I will try to put this into perspective....

After reading the scientific link it states that if a human shrinks to the proportional size of a ant she would have super strength and unlimited energy due to the increase of oxygen intake. She would then be able to fulfill all of everyone's twisted fantasies with that little box hanging above her head!'s the real downer. It comes at a price of over heating and water loss SO that little snatch will dry up faster than your sex drive looking at a porno of hilary and pelosi.
Wrastling - gone Wrong

Oooh I dunno, are they hate fisting each other? I think I'd be into that.
No right minded individual is into that, not even you.....:rolleyes:

Although, I wouldn't mind seeing Hilary in an orange jumpsuit fisting huma for the last time as she is being led down the capital steps in shackles and loaded into the short federal bus for the chronically criminal/stupid.

I know I need to be careful as this will arouse AJ. It's worth the risk though.......;):ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
The real question is can we get her super strong? I will try to put this into perspective....

After reading the scientific link it states that if a human shrinks to the proportional size of a ant she would have super strength and unlimited energy due to the increase of oxygen intake. She would then be able to fulfill all of everyone's twisted fantasies with that little box hanging above her head!'s the real downer. It comes at a price of over heating and water loss SO that little snatch will dry up faster than your sex drive looking at a porno of hilary and pelosi.

Now you're thinking with your dipstick Jimmy!!