Maggie’s Motivational Pic Thread v2.0 - - New Rules - See Post #1

You know what peeves me. you get all these people giving Planet Fitness a hard time for the no "lunk Head" rules after they sign up. Look, you agreed to the terms and rules when you signed on the dotted line. You thought the $10/ month deal blew every other muscle head gym out of the water so you agreed.

So here's my question: Are you an honest man or not (or woman). If you are then shut the F up and abide by the rules YOU agreed to. If you are not honest then get the hell out since you signed under false pretenses.

Where are men of honor??? What happened to real men who's word is their bond? Where are the TRUE warriors who follow the code of Bushido?

okay rant off...

Show more boobies!
If you want a good laugh...

My wife just came in from shopping at WallyWorld. She said she was talking to her sister, who works there, when a real (?) it... walked by. It was a man...dressed like a woman. She said the name tag said Mandy. But wife's sister said "her" pay check said Charles... She said it may not have been so bad, but it was so ugly his parents had to hang a pork shop around his neck to get the dog to play with him.

Go figure.
If you want a good laugh...

My wife just came in from shopping at WallyWorld. She said she was talking to her sister, who works there, when a real (?) it... walked by. It was a man...dressed like a woman. She said the name tag said Mandy. But wife's sister said "her" pay check said Charles... She said it may not have been so bad, but it was so ugly his parents had to hang a pork shop around his neck to get the dog to play with him.

Go figure.

WalMart... a place where you can find anything. Well, except dignity and self-respect. ;-)

And yet... I still shop there.


The only thing that those pictures motivate me to do is check in at our local clinic for a pecker swab. I'm sorry but when I see a girl that I've had as a customer since she was 12 and know her family, it's a bit shocking to see her on this site as spank bank fodder.