That is because the DNRs in almost every state are infiltrated by woke, leftist morons who deny reality and live in their own fevered dreams. Most are no longer "conservationists", but have become environmentalist, religious fanatics. It is with mistruth/lies like this that they developed horrible policies that damage both humans and wildlife.
"Mountain Lions were eliminated in the state of Illinois before 1870s due to habitat loss and overharvesting."
This is an obvious misdirection and practically a lie. No one has ever "harvested" mountain lions (for food) unless they were starving. We fucking killed them all, as in genocide/species elimination because we cannot share habitat with them, period. High order predators like bears and lions were killed on sight because they are above us on the food chain, and they will kill our children as an easy meal. This is exactly what these fucking, evil morons are trying to bring back, and there is going to be a terrible backlash when they succeed. I hope every last one of these horrible little people with their evil black hearts are held to account, since it is probably not going be their children who are eaten. Instead of managing (euthanizing them when they overpopulate specific ranges) lethal populations they think it's great that they are infiltrating back into populated areas. This is why they pretend and deny and lie to people's faces. It is going to end very badly. If I see a bear or a lion in my suburban yard I'm fucking killing it, period. I suggest any of you who don't want dead children do the same, because I don't live in environmentalist fantasy land, but in the real world where high order predators aren't tolerated around my family, period.