Ok retard question here-- how does one use the fortune cookie as a rear bag. (I've got an Full Size Waxed OGC)
Watching the online training the idea is to squeeze the ears (pincer) your rear bag to control the rifle. Now obviously I can set the rifle in the "V", but that is no where near high enough, can flip it over etc, but there is no way to pincer the buttstock getting my hand around the "V" is waay to much to grab.
Also when did they start adding the straps--mine didnt come with anything but the side-straps.
The one with straps is called the “optimized” OG. That’s the one I got. I’m thinking of putting some of my own sand in it. It came with pellets.
I don’t actually do competition. I have my own barricade and other shooting positions setup on my property to practice.