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Rifle Scopes MR5 vs Gen 2 XR


Full Member
May 16, 2017
I really want the tt315m, but am worried about the reticle being to fine. It will be going on a do it all T3X CTR. I have only had SFP old school reticles up until my recent purchase of a 3-15 T5Xi SCR and a 5-25 ZP5 MR2. On low power the MR2 draws my eye to center where I have to focus to find center with the SCR if that makes sense. The SCR also seems to blend in when looking at trees and broken up backgrounds. My only real concern is with the scope at it lowest power and making a snapshot on game. I will also be buying a 5-25 for a long range ar-15 and don't want to spend tt525p type money in case it would be wise to stay with the same platform.
I have heard the Gen 2 XR is extremely fine so be careful if you want something a little more thick. It might not be to your liking if youve always been a SFP guy.
So that leaves the Gen 2 Mil-Dot. I’ve never been behind one but it looks thick at the aiming point and I’m not a huge fan of the floating cross. I’m sure I could get use to it though.
So that leaves the Gen 2 Mil-Dot. I’ve never been behind one but it looks thick at the aiming point and I’m not a huge fan of the floating cross. I’m sure I could get use to it though.

I ran one a long time ago and from what I remember it worked fine, provided your ok with and older simpler reticle. If I recall correctly I remember i could use it throughout the magnification range. Long time ago though. Memory is hazy.
I’m leaning hard in favor of it. I wish they would have made the center aiming point a little finer for paper work. I have really been wanting to shoot more long range, but I doubt I will ever be shooting in any matches. So I don’t think the simple reticle will affect me. Other than I am ocd and I am going to need a couple more scopes that won’t match.
I have a 3-15x50 with Gen II XR and for me it works just fine across the magnification range. At lower magnifications, it is basically a thin duplex which works fine for my purposes. Reticle illumination really helps when the light gets low. I do not expect to be using fine reticle features below 6x. My only real criticism of TT315M was that I wish the thick bars were a little thicker, but it seem to work fine for me either way.

Gen 2 MilDot is more visible at low magnification if that is what you are looking for. Back in prehistoric days when we were trained to disset the target with the reticle, most reticles were fairly thick MilDot designs and I never found it to be detrimental to precision. Still, I am not a benchrest shooter and I do not shoot PRS, so YMMV.

Personally, I like to have some wind holds in the reticle, so I opted for Gen 2 XR. I havn't regretted it once. However, I would be almost equally comfortable with Gen 2 MilDot.

Neither is the sexiest reticle out there, but I am used to both and they work well. I routinely recommend a very similar G2B reticle in Burris scopes, and it is still a very good alround design.


Like most FFP reticles, they become duplex-type at low mag ranges.. same is true for GEN II XR. The finer GEN II XR comes in handy at higher powers for paper punching like you said.
it's still your best option if set on the 315M in my opinion.
I hunt with the SCR in a couple different scopes. I rarely have issues with the fineness of the reticle. But I've discovered if you flip on the illumination, it lights the reticle up very nicely against dark backgrounds.

CR2203 batteries are cheap. Just turn it on and leave it on if you think you are in a low light situation.
I’m fine with a duplex type reticle at low power. I just don’t want to miss an opportunity because I can’t see the intersection and have to take the time to make sure of my aiming point. I don’t know why I would ever need to use any of the hold marks at 3x. I assume I will have it cranked if I am holding for wind/elevation.
I hunt with the SCR in a couple different scopes. I rarely have issues with the fineness of the reticle. But I've discovered if you flip on the illumination, it lights the reticle up very nicely against dark backgrounds.

CR2203 batteries are cheap. Just turn it on and leave it on if you think you are in a low light situation.

Couldn't agree more. Every 2-3 years, I buy a pack of 50 batteries and make sure every bag, rifle case, shooting jacket, etc has a few in one of the pockets. I think last time it was Sony batteries and they cost me about 25 or 30 cents a piece when buying 50. I've had quality issue with no brand name batteries, but Sony/Energizer/Duracell/etc have worked well for me.

Thin duplex reticles do disappear against dark backgrounds, but illumination takes care of that.

Well, I ended up ordering a Gen 2 XR. It seems like it is going to work just fine from the limited time I have spent behind it. The crosshairs are easily visible at 3x with no illumination. However we did get fresh snow today. So it was pretty bright when I took my lunch and was looking through the scope. I will see how it looks tomorrow morning before sunrise if I can find some dark backgrounds. When some people were saying the reticle was unusable at low power it made me worry the crosshairs were going to be too fine. But I think those people were talking about using the reticle for holding for wind/elevation. Thanks for everyones input and CS Tacticle for the optic
My how things change. In low light the reticle is unusable without illumination(at high mag). When illuminated the cross hair shadows as you get towards the bottom of the post. Almost like it is showing a left right parallax error. As soon as it got a little more light outside all these things went away.
Since you already have the Steiner T5Xi 3-15 with SCR reticle, I'll throw that into the mix. I've had all of these scopes (well the Premier, not the TT but essentially the same) and like they say, a picture is worth a thousand words. Keep in mind the reticle is easier to see with the naked eye than it is with these through the scope images, this is just to give you an idea of how the reticle looks. As others have mentioned, the Gen II XR is pretty thin on the 3-15 at 3x; however, I wouldn't say it is unusable, in fact, any FFP low mag scope you're going to struggle with at the bottom end. Was the mildot reticle easier to acquire than the Gen II XR, yes it was, but I never felt handicapped with the Gen II XR like I couldn't get a round on target if I needed to. Here are the pics:



Where were you/these pics before I ordered, lol. I really like the looks of that mildot at low power. I guess I might have to put this one on my x-1 and get a Gen2 Mil-Dot for this rifle
I guess I am in the minority here. I really like my Premier Heritage Light Tactical 3-15×50 w. Gen 2XR reticle. Even @ 3x, it is plenty visible to me, and great for varmint hunting or a wide FOV scope. The outer thick stadia draw my eye right to the center and I can pick up the thin reticle easily. Even with my 46 year old eyes.