MRAD is a Communist plot to overthrow America! Leaked documents show.

This guy tried to warn you people about this 25 yrs ago , and none of you would listen .

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Way before that there was this guy
I ask myself, what does @lowlight use?

Rest assured @TheHorta , one day you shall realise all your weak beer and limited sexual prowess is due in large part to the implementation of MOA.

The self deception began long ago. When puny girlie men settled for less than perfection, MOA.

Real Men.Strong, disciplined, accurate, fierce adherents of the vastly superior MRAD reticle, dwell in the real world.

Our precise, scientifically renowned reticle, causes all that appear in front of our FFP scopes, to be dropped to the dust.
No man nor beast is feared.
We are the dominant force to be reckoned with.
We smite our enemies and ferals with a fierce and unwavering precision of directed energy.

Our beer is strong.
Our women are pleasured and satisfied.

Our homes are protected by accuracy beyond the dreams of MOA acolytes.

Fear not, primitive MOA weenie, we shall protect you from the world you fear.
For it is our duty to defend the weak minded, softcocks of our societies.View attachment 7532029
If you start off using MOA and go to MRAD (or vice-versa) does that mean your trans reticle?
To answer @GrayRyder question and add to @GrumpyOleFart comments I’ll say this.

Compare to eating of oysters to snails as discussed in the deleted scene from the movie “Spartacus.” It was deleted because of the veiled reference to homosexuality.

Antonitus preferred oysters. Had he lived today he would probably prefer MILs, drive a truck and been a hit with the ladies.

Crassus on the other hand preferred both snails and oysters. Had he lived today he would have used both MOA and MILs, lived in San Francisco, visited gay bars and twerked at the library during drag queen story time.

Now I’m not judging anyone who uses MOA or swings both ways. If that’s your way then you’re okay.

On the other hand, consider the deleted scene an allegory and illustrative of two concepts:

1 - letting other shooters know that you use both, might put some distance between yourself and other riflemen. Notice how Antonitus got the hell out of there when he learned about Crassus’ proclivities. So the MOA guys might just want to stay in the closet.

2 - MOA is like Roman numerals. The Roman empire’s collapse in 410AD was inevitable. They couldn’t advance much beyond the use of the ballista. Imagine doing ELR trajectory calculations with Roman numerals. MOA will go the way of the Roman Empire.

You purists with MOA or MRAD scopes that have reticles that match turrets. You think you are tough. Try shooting a scope with an MRAD dot reticle and MOA turrets. Best of both worlds (or worst) and it really separates the men from the boys

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Well well well boys wtf do we have here .....

I’m like the deep-cover cop who has to do some coke lines to not blow his cover.
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You purists with MOA or MRAD scopes that have reticles that match turrets. You think you are tough. Try shooting a scope with an MRAD dot reticle and MOA turrets. Best of both worlds (or worst) and it really separates the men from the boys

View attachment 8034547
Ah...the good old days.
I was sighting in a scope last weekend with no clicks and no useful markings…. The first adjustment moved the impacts about four feet. “ Oh, I remember this fun. My guesses on what was a 1/4 inch must have been off a tad.”

(and 650-700gr bullets, so “walking them in” was a painful expensive method)