With all the festivities taking place in Ukraine, more attention has been placed on thermal imaging. Even though the technology has been around for many years, more interest has been generated in defeating or mitigating these optics. So here are some links on the subject:
This video was embedded in the above article but I wanted to repeat it below. It's an 8 year old video and most of what we already know is presented here. What I want to draw attention to is his remarks at about the 17 minute mark. It's worth considering and sounds a little prophetic.
A long article that probably gives you enough information to make you think you're an expert on this stuff until you meet someone who really is an expert
Science and capitalism go together like peas and carrots
After reading the aforementioned articles I wondered where can I get this type of military clothing ensemble without making one myself. Again, another capitalist organization comes to the rescue to fill the need! I was almost giddy until I saw the price tag. Nevertheless, I will post this for the reader of means and lots of money to burn. Anyway it's great looking at this website, through it's kind of like getting the Cabela's catalog in the mail when I was younger. I could look but not afford the goodies.
Another interesting video for the DIY inventor.
With the rest of the world developing and producing multispectral camouflage; where do we stand? Warning to former jarheads, do not read this article unless you like getting angry.
The above article doesn't mention multispectral camouflage but the fact that we are so far behind providing the marines with just basic camouflage is disheartening.

russians Started Actively Use Thermal Camouflage Against Thermal Cameras: How the Suit Works and How Significant the Threat Is | Defense Express
The novelty that began to massively appear on Ukrainian frontlines is not an ultimate solution yet should not be underestimated

This video was embedded in the above article but I wanted to repeat it below. It's an 8 year old video and most of what we already know is presented here. What I want to draw attention to is his remarks at about the 17 minute mark. It's worth considering and sounds a little prophetic.
A long article that probably gives you enough information to make you think you're an expert on this stuff until you meet someone who really is an expert
Hiding in Plain Sight – Camouflage, Concealment and Deception in the EMS

Science and capitalism go together like peas and carrots

Saab says it has solved a modern camouflage conundrum
The art of camouflage goes back over 100 years. A new solution tackles the problem of hiding from radar but still communicating by radio.

After reading the aforementioned articles I wondered where can I get this type of military clothing ensemble without making one myself. Again, another capitalist organization comes to the rescue to fill the need! I was almost giddy until I saw the price tag. Nevertheless, I will post this for the reader of means and lots of money to burn. Anyway it's great looking at this website, through it's kind of like getting the Cabela's catalog in the mail when I was younger. I could look but not afford the goodies.
HOME | ProApto | Waterproof, Lightweight, IR Ghillie Suits
Go unnoticed with ProApto breathable, customizable and multipurpose ghillie suits.

Another interesting video for the DIY inventor.
With the rest of the world developing and producing multispectral camouflage; where do we stand? Warning to former jarheads, do not read this article unless you like getting angry.
Marine camouflage uniform shortage won’t be fixed until summer 2024
Marines’ camouflage uniforms are supposed to be difficult for enemy eyes to find. But these days, they’re difficult for even Marines to find.

The above article doesn't mention multispectral camouflage but the fact that we are so far behind providing the marines with just basic camouflage is disheartening.