Re: muzzleloaders?
I shoot a Tc encore 209 x .50
It won't group within 6" at 100 yards with ANY conical
Ive tested 3 kinds of power belts, hornady fpb(worst of all), maxi ball, maxi hunter ...
The only thing that groups are sabots, they are about moa to 200 yards.
777 sucks to use with sabots ie. reloads are very difficult.
My current load that shoots like a dream, and is easy to reload is: 110 grains black horn powder, rem shotgun primers, harvester crush rib sabots, hornady .452 xtp bullets.
The blackhorn powder is the key to using sabots... added bonus is clean up is super easy, and no water is involved.
Shot a buck at 190 yards opening day this year.