My experience with the MK II AMP Annealer


Sergeant of the Hide
Full Member
Jun 30, 2020
I'm hoping this helps someone that's on the fence about getting one like I was and before anyone says anything, no I'm not endorsed or have anything to do with AMP. I found some 5% code online and that's about all I saved. Anyway, I've had the AMP for about two months now and have annealed over 1000 cases. The main reason I bought it, is that back in 2018, I decided to see how many loads I can get out of a 200 count lot of .308 Lapua brass. So far I'm by 17 loads and the primer pockets are starting to loosen up to the point where I'm loading them for the last time. At around load 7 or so, I started noticing the occasional flyer out of nowhere that became more common as the number of loads increased. I knew my brass was becoming work hardened due of the differences I was seeing while measuring headspace after FL sizing (+/-.005) and seating depth (+/- .004) as well as the seating pressure needed between cases.

Long story short, I bought the AMP and annealed the whole lot. The first time I sized them, my shoulder bump was within +/- .0015 and the same for my seating depth. Seating pressure also felt consistent between the cases and no more flyers. I really didn't notice a difference in my ES or SD's but the flyers were completely eliminated and the only thing I changed in my reloading process was that I began annealing.

The targets that I've attached were both shot out of the same rifle with the same load. Sierra 165 Gamechanger, Fed 210M, 45.4grs Varget, Lapua Case, out of a Bighorn Origin with a 20" Proof carbon fiber barrel in an XLR element at 2777 fps (my 10lb hunting rig). On one target the brass was annealed, on the other it wasn't. I'll let you guys decide which is which and shot 6 was my fault.

So the million dollar question that people will ask themselves. Is the AMP worth the $1400? Probably not and you'll never get your moneys worth out of it in brass life but, if you want to shoot small groups with consistency, then most definitely. I'm very happy with my purchase and the target doesn't lie.


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